Ram woke this morning happy that Dad was coming round. He was rather manic about it even thought Dxh was here the day before yesterday. Ram was at least awake early enough for us to read some more Discworld. Because these are adult books they do take longer to read, especially when being read aloud.
We often find children's books are too short, and I heard a snatch of a conversation on Radio 4 the other day where a children's author said that before the Harry Potter books publishers were telling children's authors to keep books to 50,000 words because they thought that children no longer had the concentration for books longer than that. Then along came Rowling (longest Potter book so far has about 214,000) and now they realise that kids can read longer books!
When Dxh got here he and Ram decided to play chess again, only this time we got out the real chess set. We commented that a couple of summers ago Ram played a game with Dxh in the garden. Ram would make a move, then run round the garden twice, then came back and make a move then run off again. Today the difference is amazing! He sat for the whole game and only once or twice did he get up for a swing on the trapeze.
Local authorities seem to be complaining that they can't tell if a child is learning when there is no curriculum or testing. Certainly I can see in school that teachers need to test a child to see what they have learned. But with home education the parent has the continuity of being with the child year after year and can see the progress a child makes. I don't need to test Ram to see that this year he can sit down and concentrate on a game of chess, when a couple of years ago he couldn't.
Actually, not only can he sit down and play, he can win against his father, who was trying very hard to win!
We ended up with a late lunch so that they could finish the game, then we started sorting out the sleeping area for our friends coming. We needed to put up a bit of cloths line to separate the large sleeping area (we have an open plan barn upstairs and down) and hang a curtain on it. Ram helped me put all the curtain hooks in and I got to explain how a curtain is made.
We then went back downstairs for tea, which ended up around the computer having fun. It was one of those days when we kept coming up with things we wanted to know so the three of us sat around the computer looking things up. We also showed Dxh the Bloxorz game, looked up some lyrics to some music, listened to Voodoo Child which is the song that was in Doctor Who the other week, and generally had a good laugh. All the time Ram was talking non stop!
Of course things settled down when Dxh went home and Doctor Who started. Wow, what a finish to the series. We were discussing it still at bed time. So many little bits of a puzzle, and now the long wait until Christmas for the special and next year for the next series.
We are a home educating family made up of Abbie, the mum, Ram the boy with Asperger's Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility Type, the Dxh, who is still part of the family but just doesn't live with us and various chickens. Barn School is what we call ourselves as we live in a barn. And the banter? That is the parent teacher conference I have when talking to myself!
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Friday, 29 June 2007
Up With the Black Birds
As usual after a busy day yesterday we had a lovely quiet day. Only it was not so lovely for me as I have an aching right leg and foot! I don't quite know why but I have made an appointment with my osteopath for next week.
Ram was on the computer today, having not even turned it on yesterday. But we also managed to play a game of chess. I have never been able to learn chess. I can never remember how each piece moves. And for some reason when people try to teach me all they want to do is win, so I don't get any real practice. But Ram and I managed a game of Quick Chess and I think I won!
Then Ram spent the afternoon playing Lego Chess. He went through the tutorials for each piece again and played against the computer a couple of times. This will be good practice for when playing against both his Dad and his friend when she comes to stay.
For supper we had a favourite of Ram's, treasure bread. I made pizza dough and using a pastie maker fill Ram's with black olives. Not any old black olive though, only the ones we can buy in tins from Somerfield!
When he was younger we used to put all sorts of things in like vegetables and cheese, hence the name treasure bread; you never knew what you might find in it! But now he has restricted his diet so that he will only have olives in it. But at least I can use the rest of the dough to make myself a little pizza with lots of interesting things on it.
Our plan to turn the computer off before supper didn't work tonight at all. There was nothing Ram wanted to watch on TV so he played on the computer. He discovered a game called bloxorz. He was getting very good at it.
I made the mistake of trying it myself and got into it enough that I didn't notice the time and we ended up late to bed again! It can be so difficult to synchronise bedtimes. I always knew that I would cope with the early mornings, and I certainly did when Ram was little and woke early for a two hour breastfeed, but I always imagined that I would have Dxh with me to do the night shift. He is an owl, and I am a black bird. At least around here it is the black birds that are up with me at five thirty in the morning!
Ram was on the computer today, having not even turned it on yesterday. But we also managed to play a game of chess. I have never been able to learn chess. I can never remember how each piece moves. And for some reason when people try to teach me all they want to do is win, so I don't get any real practice. But Ram and I managed a game of Quick Chess and I think I won!
Then Ram spent the afternoon playing Lego Chess. He went through the tutorials for each piece again and played against the computer a couple of times. This will be good practice for when playing against both his Dad and his friend when she comes to stay.
For supper we had a favourite of Ram's, treasure bread. I made pizza dough and using a pastie maker fill Ram's with black olives. Not any old black olive though, only the ones we can buy in tins from Somerfield!
When he was younger we used to put all sorts of things in like vegetables and cheese, hence the name treasure bread; you never knew what you might find in it! But now he has restricted his diet so that he will only have olives in it. But at least I can use the rest of the dough to make myself a little pizza with lots of interesting things on it.
Our plan to turn the computer off before supper didn't work tonight at all. There was nothing Ram wanted to watch on TV so he played on the computer. He discovered a game called bloxorz. He was getting very good at it.
I made the mistake of trying it myself and got into it enough that I didn't notice the time and we ended up late to bed again! It can be so difficult to synchronise bedtimes. I always knew that I would cope with the early mornings, and I certainly did when Ram was little and woke early for a two hour breastfeed, but I always imagined that I would have Dxh with me to do the night shift. He is an owl, and I am a black bird. At least around here it is the black birds that are up with me at five thirty in the morning!
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Where Did All the Energy Go?
It was a busy day for all today. Dxh was here for respite day. I know that it must sound like when I have a respite day I get a day off, but respite days can actually be more tiring for me as there is so much to pack into one!
The early to bed last night worked and Ram was awake early enough that we were dressed when Dxh got here. I had to settle everyone in quickly because I went over to see MDF first thing. She is much better this week and not so tired. We had some great discussions about religion and diet amongst other things. Luckily her mother is there to take care of her so I knew that if I tired her out too much she would be able to have a nap and that her mum would get her lunch for her.
I stayed longer than expected and had to rush back to get lunch ready for the boys. Dxh and I had a bit of a disagreement. Well, actually I had a go at him for having a go at me for not putting all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. He had asked me if I had forgotten how to put dishes into the dishwasher! I told him that he should walk a mile in my shoes before he judges me. I suggested that he too might not have had time to get things in the dishwasher if he was taking care of Ram 24/7!
When we sat down to lunch there was still a bit of an atmosphere, so I suggest that we change the subject and discuss the current changes in parliament, and that politics should be a little less dangerous to talk about! We laughed at that, and then had to explain to Ram that people usually avoided politics because it could lead to argument, but we actually decided to talk about it to stop another argument!
All three of us discussed Gordon Brown and Ed Balls, the new man in the new department for Children, Schools and Families. I do wonder why they have to keep changing the names of the departments.
Because Ursula and family are coming to stay soon, I had suggested to the boys that they tidy up the Action Men upstairs so that there would be somewhere for people to sleep, and to move out a table that we have in the sleeping area that is doing nothing there.
When I went up to look they have moved it into the Lego area and had already set up some Lego on it!
After lunch they decided that rather than play Lego they would play chess. When I came back down from my nap they were busy concentrating on a game of chess that doesn't use all the pieces. Our set is called Quick Chess but despite the name the games were not always quick.
Dxh won two games, Ram one, and they drew on the fourth. Amazingly, Ram wasn't upset by not winning! He has come a long way from the days where if he didn't win the first time we played a game he would refuse to ever play it again.
I had to go off to pick up some painkillers for Arrow and when I got back the boys were playing chess again. I also noticed that there was a try of clean dishes which were sitting on the side, no where near the cupboard that they belonged in. Clearly Dxh had tried to empty the dishwasher but got waylaid.
So I teasingly asked Ram if I should reek revenge on Dxh. Ram looked puzzled and Dxh looked worried. So with a big grin on my face I asked him if he had forgotten how to put clean dishes away!
He said that he had been distracted by a ground to air attention seeking missile, an affectionate name he has for Ram. We all had a laugh but I think he got the point – I hope!
We tried the same bedtime routine of turning off the computer before supper as last night but it didn't work so well. He got into Lego instead so we were later than I would have liked, especially as I was tired. I had been off in one direction to visit MDF, back to sort out lunch and work in the garden, not to mention sorting out some Internet orders, then off in the opposite direction to pick up the painkillers for Arrow. But even though Ram was on the go all day with Dxh, he still has energy to spare.
I guess according to the law of conservation of energy it stands to reason that for all the energy I am lacking, Ram must have extra!
The early to bed last night worked and Ram was awake early enough that we were dressed when Dxh got here. I had to settle everyone in quickly because I went over to see MDF first thing. She is much better this week and not so tired. We had some great discussions about religion and diet amongst other things. Luckily her mother is there to take care of her so I knew that if I tired her out too much she would be able to have a nap and that her mum would get her lunch for her.
I stayed longer than expected and had to rush back to get lunch ready for the boys. Dxh and I had a bit of a disagreement. Well, actually I had a go at him for having a go at me for not putting all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. He had asked me if I had forgotten how to put dishes into the dishwasher! I told him that he should walk a mile in my shoes before he judges me. I suggested that he too might not have had time to get things in the dishwasher if he was taking care of Ram 24/7!
When we sat down to lunch there was still a bit of an atmosphere, so I suggest that we change the subject and discuss the current changes in parliament, and that politics should be a little less dangerous to talk about! We laughed at that, and then had to explain to Ram that people usually avoided politics because it could lead to argument, but we actually decided to talk about it to stop another argument!
All three of us discussed Gordon Brown and Ed Balls, the new man in the new department for Children, Schools and Families. I do wonder why they have to keep changing the names of the departments.
Because Ursula and family are coming to stay soon, I had suggested to the boys that they tidy up the Action Men upstairs so that there would be somewhere for people to sleep, and to move out a table that we have in the sleeping area that is doing nothing there.
When I went up to look they have moved it into the Lego area and had already set up some Lego on it!
After lunch they decided that rather than play Lego they would play chess. When I came back down from my nap they were busy concentrating on a game of chess that doesn't use all the pieces. Our set is called Quick Chess but despite the name the games were not always quick.
Dxh won two games, Ram one, and they drew on the fourth. Amazingly, Ram wasn't upset by not winning! He has come a long way from the days where if he didn't win the first time we played a game he would refuse to ever play it again.
I had to go off to pick up some painkillers for Arrow and when I got back the boys were playing chess again. I also noticed that there was a try of clean dishes which were sitting on the side, no where near the cupboard that they belonged in. Clearly Dxh had tried to empty the dishwasher but got waylaid.
So I teasingly asked Ram if I should reek revenge on Dxh. Ram looked puzzled and Dxh looked worried. So with a big grin on my face I asked him if he had forgotten how to put clean dishes away!
He said that he had been distracted by a ground to air attention seeking missile, an affectionate name he has for Ram. We all had a laugh but I think he got the point – I hope!
We tried the same bedtime routine of turning off the computer before supper as last night but it didn't work so well. He got into Lego instead so we were later than I would have liked, especially as I was tired. I had been off in one direction to visit MDF, back to sort out lunch and work in the garden, not to mention sorting out some Internet orders, then off in the opposite direction to pick up the painkillers for Arrow. But even though Ram was on the go all day with Dxh, he still has energy to spare.
I guess according to the law of conservation of energy it stands to reason that for all the energy I am lacking, Ram must have extra!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Life is Easy
We have an easy day today. Ram slept until after nine, then we read for over an hour and ended up having breakfast at nearly lunch time! Well, I have my first breakfast at 6.30 so it was only elevenses for me.
As usual Ram had a recovery day, mostly spent on the computer. This game me time to catch up on washing both clothes and dishes. I don't know how working parents fit in all the household duties as well as working outside the home. Mind you at least the house must stay in the same state as they leave it in the morning!
To day Ram decided that it would be fun to take a large piece of tissue paper and rip it into strips with different weapons made from Lego Bionicle. He hung it over the trapeze and slashed at it to see which weapon worked best. I just quietly let him get on with it, but did mention that he would have to tidy it up before bed.
We started our new plan to get to bed a little earlier. Ram happily turned off the computer before coming for supper. We listened to the funny thing, then watched Saving Planet Earth, then I read aloud to him.
When it was getting to bed time I stopped reading and handed him the dustpan and brush and said that the paper needed cleaning up, then went into the study to turn off my computer. While I was giving him a chance to sweep up the paper I answered an email from a friend. I didn't want to crowd him as I knew that if I put too much pressure on him he would refuse to do it. By pointing out earlier that it would need to be cleaned up before bed, then by making the statement 'the paper needs to be cleaned up' rather than asking him to do it, I knew I had a chance of him cooperating. And it worked, but he fell short of actually emptying the dust pan into the bin!
When he came into the study to tell him he was finished he was a bit annoyed that I was on my computer and he couldn't be on his, but I think he understands that I was just turning it off not playing a game.
So up we went about an hour earlier than usual with no complaints! This might actually work!
As usual Ram had a recovery day, mostly spent on the computer. This game me time to catch up on washing both clothes and dishes. I don't know how working parents fit in all the household duties as well as working outside the home. Mind you at least the house must stay in the same state as they leave it in the morning!
To day Ram decided that it would be fun to take a large piece of tissue paper and rip it into strips with different weapons made from Lego Bionicle. He hung it over the trapeze and slashed at it to see which weapon worked best. I just quietly let him get on with it, but did mention that he would have to tidy it up before bed.
We started our new plan to get to bed a little earlier. Ram happily turned off the computer before coming for supper. We listened to the funny thing, then watched Saving Planet Earth, then I read aloud to him.
When it was getting to bed time I stopped reading and handed him the dustpan and brush and said that the paper needed cleaning up, then went into the study to turn off my computer. While I was giving him a chance to sweep up the paper I answered an email from a friend. I didn't want to crowd him as I knew that if I put too much pressure on him he would refuse to do it. By pointing out earlier that it would need to be cleaned up before bed, then by making the statement 'the paper needs to be cleaned up' rather than asking him to do it, I knew I had a chance of him cooperating. And it worked, but he fell short of actually emptying the dust pan into the bin!
When he came into the study to tell him he was finished he was a bit annoyed that I was on my computer and he couldn't be on his, but I think he understands that I was just turning it off not playing a game.
So up we went about an hour earlier than usual with no complaints! This might actually work!
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Sleep Problems Again
Last night we actually managed to get to sleep early! My ploy of getting him up earlier because it was dark with the weather worked! He didn't wake up any earlier though, which makes me think that he is lacking sleep.
We didn't have much time to read as it was swimming day and we wanted to get there before the school children got out of the pool, as last week they took all the cubicles and were very noisy!
Ram was slow to get going, with lots of stopping to talk to me, or should I say stopping to tell me about Bionicles! He ended up having to eat his breakfast in the car! Luckily we are not cereal people, so there was no problem having hambacon in the car.
We were worried that we wouldn't get there early enough but amazingly, the school children didn't turn up so the whole place was lovely and quiet!
Even though we were first in the pool, it was still a full house by the time all the other disabled people arrived. For some reason the lifeguards turned on some music. It was actually pleasant music, sounding like African rather than Caribbean, but still having a feel of sunshine and beaches. However, Ram is sensitive to things like music and he didn't like it. Afterwards I had a quick word with one of the other carers and she said that sometimes they have people who can't cope with the music and they have to ask them to turn it off. I don't mind it on sometimes, but I hope they don't put it on every week.
After swimming we went on our usual shopping trip. The first few shops were ok, as they were part of our usual routine, but then we had to go to the chemist to get some more bandages for Arrow. She is licking a little sore on her leg and we have to wrap it up to stop her. Ram didn't cope well and kept trying to talk to me even though I was talking to the woman serving us. I kept pointing out that I needed to speak to the lady, and while I was getting my change from her I ignored him.
When I had put my change away I turned to him and he demanded to know why I hadn't answered him, I pointed out to him that I was talking to the lady serving us. He went a bit quiet. I honestly don't think that he can tell when others are talking to me. I don't know if it is a sensory thing where he can't block out all the noise and lights and so only concentrates on me, or whether he is just so anxious that his brain closes down and he can't see or hear properly. Maybe one day we will find out.
Our last shop is always the greengrocer and again this week there was a new person. She is very quiet whereas the other two that are normally there who know us well are friendly and outgoing. There were also a lot of people in the shop today. I parked Ram in his buggy in the corner by the tills as usual while I started choosing my veggies. I could hear him singing his sheep song (I'm a sheep, baa baa.) but when I turned around I got a surprise. He had put the blanket over his head and covered himself completely!
Luckily I am not bothered by these things any more, and can just go round smiling at people and shaking my head. I find if you smile at them enough, even the most disapproving ones will eventually smile back.
I was hoping that we could get to bed early tonight, but the sun is out and Ram just won't come upstairs. When I finally got him into bed we had a talk about it. For him the problem is that he gets involved with his games and can't stop. He suggested that we watch more TV in the evening, but of course this time of year there isn't much one. We do have a lot recorded from the last few weeks when we were watching Spring Watch, so in the end we decided that Ram would actually turn off the computer before supper. We always eat during the Funny Thing on Radio 4 at Six Thirty, so I will give him a five minute warning so that he can turn the computer off, then at seven when supper is over we can watch the Saving Wildlife programme, then after that we will either watch something that we have previously recorded or read aloud.
I just hope that he still agrees in the morning!
We didn't have much time to read as it was swimming day and we wanted to get there before the school children got out of the pool, as last week they took all the cubicles and were very noisy!
Ram was slow to get going, with lots of stopping to talk to me, or should I say stopping to tell me about Bionicles! He ended up having to eat his breakfast in the car! Luckily we are not cereal people, so there was no problem having hambacon in the car.
We were worried that we wouldn't get there early enough but amazingly, the school children didn't turn up so the whole place was lovely and quiet!
Even though we were first in the pool, it was still a full house by the time all the other disabled people arrived. For some reason the lifeguards turned on some music. It was actually pleasant music, sounding like African rather than Caribbean, but still having a feel of sunshine and beaches. However, Ram is sensitive to things like music and he didn't like it. Afterwards I had a quick word with one of the other carers and she said that sometimes they have people who can't cope with the music and they have to ask them to turn it off. I don't mind it on sometimes, but I hope they don't put it on every week.
After swimming we went on our usual shopping trip. The first few shops were ok, as they were part of our usual routine, but then we had to go to the chemist to get some more bandages for Arrow. She is licking a little sore on her leg and we have to wrap it up to stop her. Ram didn't cope well and kept trying to talk to me even though I was talking to the woman serving us. I kept pointing out that I needed to speak to the lady, and while I was getting my change from her I ignored him.
When I had put my change away I turned to him and he demanded to know why I hadn't answered him, I pointed out to him that I was talking to the lady serving us. He went a bit quiet. I honestly don't think that he can tell when others are talking to me. I don't know if it is a sensory thing where he can't block out all the noise and lights and so only concentrates on me, or whether he is just so anxious that his brain closes down and he can't see or hear properly. Maybe one day we will find out.
Our last shop is always the greengrocer and again this week there was a new person. She is very quiet whereas the other two that are normally there who know us well are friendly and outgoing. There were also a lot of people in the shop today. I parked Ram in his buggy in the corner by the tills as usual while I started choosing my veggies. I could hear him singing his sheep song (I'm a sheep, baa baa.) but when I turned around I got a surprise. He had put the blanket over his head and covered himself completely!
Luckily I am not bothered by these things any more, and can just go round smiling at people and shaking my head. I find if you smile at them enough, even the most disapproving ones will eventually smile back.
I was hoping that we could get to bed early tonight, but the sun is out and Ram just won't come upstairs. When I finally got him into bed we had a talk about it. For him the problem is that he gets involved with his games and can't stop. He suggested that we watch more TV in the evening, but of course this time of year there isn't much one. We do have a lot recorded from the last few weeks when we were watching Spring Watch, so in the end we decided that Ram would actually turn off the computer before supper. We always eat during the Funny Thing on Radio 4 at Six Thirty, so I will give him a five minute warning so that he can turn the computer off, then at seven when supper is over we can watch the Saving Wildlife programme, then after that we will either watch something that we have previously recorded or read aloud.
I just hope that he still agrees in the morning!
Monday, 25 June 2007
Location Wheel
Today didn't start on a good note. All I did was point out that the way Ram stands when he goes to the toilet means that he misses and hits the rim. This is upsetting him terribly to think that he may have to change the way he goes to the toilet as he grows taller.
So because he wasn't talking to me he went straight onto the computer and didn't get off it all day! It didn't help that he was even more upset when I was having a quick phone call with his best friend's mother, to make arrangements for her and the family to come to visit soon. And of course there was rather a lot of rain and wind too!
But I did manage to put the time to good use. Ram finds it difficult to figure out where I am. Even if I tell him several time where I am going to be and he acknowledges it, he will still forget and then panic if he can't find me.
For instance one Saturday while I was trying to have my nap Ram kept calling for me. I figured after I didn't answer the first few times he would remember, but he didn't. In the end after five minutes of him calling to me I got up before my alarm went off.
So I have made a location wheel where there is a disk with various places I could be, such as the greenhouse, the garage (we have a deep freeze there), in the toilet or up for my nap. There is a piece of card on the front...oh heck, I may as well take a photo of it!

A friend of mine suggested that it sounded like the clock that the Weasley's from Harry Potter use!
As Ram was happy on the computer I went off and did things adjusting the location wheel each time. I set it to greenhouse, told Ram where I was going then went out and watered the cucumbers. Then came back in and set it to garden to go down to the veggie patch to see what damage the critters have done. Then back in to reset it to feeding birds to go out and refill the bird feeders. Then back in to set it to garage to go and get something out for supper!
Its a lot of palava, but if it makes Ram feel more secure then at least I might actually get the whole power nap without Ram calling for me!
He may be on the computer all day but it doesn't mean to say that an education isn't occurring. One of the sites he has been on is mofunzone. There are a lot of puzzle games that really give the brain a work out.
I have decided that we must try to get Ram to bed earlier. Forcing him to come up to bed only makes him more angry and less likely to not only come to bed but be able to sleep, so I have to go softly softly. Tonight it is so dark out with the weather that I shall try to get him upstairs early.
Sometimes there are advantages to having a child that can't tell the time!
So because he wasn't talking to me he went straight onto the computer and didn't get off it all day! It didn't help that he was even more upset when I was having a quick phone call with his best friend's mother, to make arrangements for her and the family to come to visit soon. And of course there was rather a lot of rain and wind too!
But I did manage to put the time to good use. Ram finds it difficult to figure out where I am. Even if I tell him several time where I am going to be and he acknowledges it, he will still forget and then panic if he can't find me.
For instance one Saturday while I was trying to have my nap Ram kept calling for me. I figured after I didn't answer the first few times he would remember, but he didn't. In the end after five minutes of him calling to me I got up before my alarm went off.
So I have made a location wheel where there is a disk with various places I could be, such as the greenhouse, the garage (we have a deep freeze there), in the toilet or up for my nap. There is a piece of card on the front...oh heck, I may as well take a photo of it!
A friend of mine suggested that it sounded like the clock that the Weasley's from Harry Potter use!
As Ram was happy on the computer I went off and did things adjusting the location wheel each time. I set it to greenhouse, told Ram where I was going then went out and watered the cucumbers. Then came back in and set it to garden to go down to the veggie patch to see what damage the critters have done. Then back in to reset it to feeding birds to go out and refill the bird feeders. Then back in to set it to garage to go and get something out for supper!
Its a lot of palava, but if it makes Ram feel more secure then at least I might actually get the whole power nap without Ram calling for me!
He may be on the computer all day but it doesn't mean to say that an education isn't occurring. One of the sites he has been on is mofunzone. There are a lot of puzzle games that really give the brain a work out.
I have decided that we must try to get Ram to bed earlier. Forcing him to come up to bed only makes him more angry and less likely to not only come to bed but be able to sleep, so I have to go softly softly. Tonight it is so dark out with the weather that I shall try to get him upstairs early.
Sometimes there are advantages to having a child that can't tell the time!
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Snake Alive!
Because Dxh didn't come on Saturday, we had Saturday on Sunday. Ram woke late again because he isn't getting to sleep very early. I really do like the summer solstice. It means the days are getting shorter and we can get more sleep!
We were still in bed when Dxh arrived and so he got to see the whole morning routine; from the sitting on the edge of the bath with the toothpaste dripping off the toothbrush while twittering on about Bionicles until someone reminds Ram that he is supposed to be brushing his teeth, to sitting in the window waiting to have his hair brushed but forgetting that he has to unplait first!
We finally got downstairs for Rams breakfast and then while the boys went upstairs to play Bionicle games, I got on with making lunch. I was taking something out to the compost heap and decided to have a little peek in the resting compost bin to see if the grass snake was there as it was a cloudy rainy day.
There was no snake there but there was a snake skin! So we know that our snake is getting bigger! We have hung the skin up on the wall as a trophy. Ram was fascinated by it and straight away found the bits that go over the eyes and started to explain how it can aggravate the snake when these bits come off.
No need for tests and exams when you can listen to the boy inform his dad all about how snakes shed their skin.
Mind you, it was almost word for word what we saw recently on a TV programme about snakes. He does seem to manage to remember some things word perfect. He has been quoting the scene from Dr Who where they talk about the timey whimy detector that goes ping when it is near stuff!
In the afternoon Ram and Dxh went upstairs again to play a battle game with the Bionicles. I think they play it the way people used to play with toy solders and dice, but I am not sure. I do know that for a long time Ram was unhappy because he kept rolling low numbers on the dice and Dxh kept getting high ones. Eventually they came downstairs, Ram having finally won. I did ask if Dxh had let him win but he said no. However, he did point out that the rules kept changing!
We then sat and watch Dr Who again. Dxh didn't get home in time on Saturday to watch it, and Ram and I needed no excuse to watch it again! Interestingly, it was a fun this time because Dxh isn't at all scared by it, and somehow can't imagine being scared like I can. I can scare myself silly any time I want!
We also watched Dr Who Confidential as well. It is so easy to learn about how things are put together these days with programmes like this. Dxh never bothers to watch it and is dismissive of programmes that are about how programmes are made, but I noticed that he seemed to be enjoy it.
We were still in bed when Dxh arrived and so he got to see the whole morning routine; from the sitting on the edge of the bath with the toothpaste dripping off the toothbrush while twittering on about Bionicles until someone reminds Ram that he is supposed to be brushing his teeth, to sitting in the window waiting to have his hair brushed but forgetting that he has to unplait first!
We finally got downstairs for Rams breakfast and then while the boys went upstairs to play Bionicle games, I got on with making lunch. I was taking something out to the compost heap and decided to have a little peek in the resting compost bin to see if the grass snake was there as it was a cloudy rainy day.
There was no snake there but there was a snake skin! So we know that our snake is getting bigger! We have hung the skin up on the wall as a trophy. Ram was fascinated by it and straight away found the bits that go over the eyes and started to explain how it can aggravate the snake when these bits come off.
No need for tests and exams when you can listen to the boy inform his dad all about how snakes shed their skin.
Mind you, it was almost word for word what we saw recently on a TV programme about snakes. He does seem to manage to remember some things word perfect. He has been quoting the scene from Dr Who where they talk about the timey whimy detector that goes ping when it is near stuff!
In the afternoon Ram and Dxh went upstairs again to play a battle game with the Bionicles. I think they play it the way people used to play with toy solders and dice, but I am not sure. I do know that for a long time Ram was unhappy because he kept rolling low numbers on the dice and Dxh kept getting high ones. Eventually they came downstairs, Ram having finally won. I did ask if Dxh had let him win but he said no. However, he did point out that the rules kept changing!
We then sat and watch Dr Who again. Dxh didn't get home in time on Saturday to watch it, and Ram and I needed no excuse to watch it again! Interestingly, it was a fun this time because Dxh isn't at all scared by it, and somehow can't imagine being scared like I can. I can scare myself silly any time I want!
We also watched Dr Who Confidential as well. It is so easy to learn about how things are put together these days with programmes like this. Dxh never bothers to watch it and is dismissive of programmes that are about how programmes are made, but I noticed that he seemed to be enjoy it.
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Vote Saxon!
Thursday was respite day, so we didn't have as much time to read in bed this morning. In fact Dxh arrived before we were even dressed!
Ram was very excited and hyper. He just kept talking and no one had any idea of what he was saying!
I was pretty busy, making a huge batch of soup in the morning, then lunch, a quick nap and over to see MDF who had the stroke last week. She is well in herself, but she got very tired very quickly, and like Ram went hyper!
That got me thinking. Ram has been going to bed later and later every evening, and still getting up at the same time, so that he is getting about an hour less sleep each night. I wonder if he too is getting tired.
Friday and Saturday were very quiet days, as I have come to expect after a respite day and a busy week. Dxh usually comes on Saturday but he was with clients today, so we had the day to ourselves.
The weather managed to cheer up a bit and we did some bouncing on the trampoline. We played the alphabet catch game, where one person throws the ball saying the letter and the other person has to throw it back saying a word with that letter.
Of course Ram ever the oppositional one, refused to say the letter but did a word instead! But as it is to practice alphabetical order, not thinking of words that start with a particular letter, I am not bothered!
And tonight was Dr Who of course! We sat on the sofa clinging to each other. It is so much fun being scared!
And it was also educational as we were able to discuss subliminal advertising.
Ram was very excited and hyper. He just kept talking and no one had any idea of what he was saying!
I was pretty busy, making a huge batch of soup in the morning, then lunch, a quick nap and over to see MDF who had the stroke last week. She is well in herself, but she got very tired very quickly, and like Ram went hyper!
That got me thinking. Ram has been going to bed later and later every evening, and still getting up at the same time, so that he is getting about an hour less sleep each night. I wonder if he too is getting tired.
Friday and Saturday were very quiet days, as I have come to expect after a respite day and a busy week. Dxh usually comes on Saturday but he was with clients today, so we had the day to ourselves.
The weather managed to cheer up a bit and we did some bouncing on the trampoline. We played the alphabet catch game, where one person throws the ball saying the letter and the other person has to throw it back saying a word with that letter.
Of course Ram ever the oppositional one, refused to say the letter but did a word instead! But as it is to practice alphabetical order, not thinking of words that start with a particular letter, I am not bothered!
And tonight was Dr Who of course! We sat on the sofa clinging to each other. It is so much fun being scared!
And it was also educational as we were able to discuss subliminal advertising.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
It was our home education meeting this afternoon; The new extra one for older children where they play games.
Ram was very keen to go, but it was as if he didn't understand how long it was until we could leave. He decided he wanted to wear the orange over suit and hat, and spent a good proportion of the morning in that waiting, even though I told him that we wouldn't be going until after lunch. In the end he sat in one of the dog's beds with me reading our current Discworld book aloud to him.
Finally after lunch we set out. When we got there we found that there was a problem. The carpet was being replaced in the main hall of the church and we wouldn't be able to get for about an hour. As the weather wasn't very good we were not sure what we could do. There were only two other boys there at the time, so they went off with Ram into the woods to their secret den, while the other mum and I had a think. Then a third family came, and those boys too disappeared into the woods. Sometimes I think that it is much better to just let them find their own way than to have something organised!
Then someone from the church arrived and said that we could use the flat upstairs. We didn't even know about this flat! It had a nice cosy sitting room, which was just right for the games. We called the boys back from the woods and they went up to set up the game Necromunder. (I was going to try and link to a website that explains what Mecromunder is but I can't find one!) The sitting room had just enough comfortable chairs and sofas for the five boys that decided to play, as well as the perfect coffee table for playing on!
Ram was so settled that I left him to it, and sat in the corridor making stickle brick models with one of the other mothers – oh, and the younger boys as well! Ram is very close to me and often feels the need to hold my hand, so when he is happy I try to distance myself from him to give him a little independence while still being close enough that he can get to me if he needs me.
A couple of times he did come out and check that I was still there, but he played the game to the end with the others. I think that because he now knows these boys so well, and they were in a small quiet room, Ram really enjoyed himself. This is how socialisation should be, not in a room with 30 other children, but with a small number of children of all different ages.
Afterwards, they decided to go downstairs and christen the new carpet. The hall was completely empty, and a game of British Bulldog started, while the mums stood outside discussing future meetings. Eventually a couple of them came out to get the mums involved. They managed to talk me into coming in and playing with them!
It was actually great fun. I had to start on my own to catch all the rest of them, them being eight boys ranging in age from three to 14! Eventually all of them were caught bar the 14 year old. In fact the other mums came in to help and they couldn't catch him either!
And that is another example of true socialisation. A social event where adults and children of all ages are of equal standing, enjoying each other's company.
Ram was very keen to go, but it was as if he didn't understand how long it was until we could leave. He decided he wanted to wear the orange over suit and hat, and spent a good proportion of the morning in that waiting, even though I told him that we wouldn't be going until after lunch. In the end he sat in one of the dog's beds with me reading our current Discworld book aloud to him.
Finally after lunch we set out. When we got there we found that there was a problem. The carpet was being replaced in the main hall of the church and we wouldn't be able to get for about an hour. As the weather wasn't very good we were not sure what we could do. There were only two other boys there at the time, so they went off with Ram into the woods to their secret den, while the other mum and I had a think. Then a third family came, and those boys too disappeared into the woods. Sometimes I think that it is much better to just let them find their own way than to have something organised!
Then someone from the church arrived and said that we could use the flat upstairs. We didn't even know about this flat! It had a nice cosy sitting room, which was just right for the games. We called the boys back from the woods and they went up to set up the game Necromunder. (I was going to try and link to a website that explains what Mecromunder is but I can't find one!) The sitting room had just enough comfortable chairs and sofas for the five boys that decided to play, as well as the perfect coffee table for playing on!
Ram was so settled that I left him to it, and sat in the corridor making stickle brick models with one of the other mothers – oh, and the younger boys as well! Ram is very close to me and often feels the need to hold my hand, so when he is happy I try to distance myself from him to give him a little independence while still being close enough that he can get to me if he needs me.
A couple of times he did come out and check that I was still there, but he played the game to the end with the others. I think that because he now knows these boys so well, and they were in a small quiet room, Ram really enjoyed himself. This is how socialisation should be, not in a room with 30 other children, but with a small number of children of all different ages.
Afterwards, they decided to go downstairs and christen the new carpet. The hall was completely empty, and a game of British Bulldog started, while the mums stood outside discussing future meetings. Eventually a couple of them came out to get the mums involved. They managed to talk me into coming in and playing with them!
It was actually great fun. I had to start on my own to catch all the rest of them, them being eight boys ranging in age from three to 14! Eventually all of them were caught bar the 14 year old. In fact the other mums came in to help and they couldn't catch him either!
And that is another example of true socialisation. A social event where adults and children of all ages are of equal standing, enjoying each other's company.
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Today was disabled swimming day. We arrived 10 minutes earlier than usual to try to beat the school children coming out of the pool. We thought that if we could get there earlier we would get a changing cubicle and get out of the way of their noisy screaming before they got out of the pool.
Unfortunately it didn't work. We needed to be 20 minutes earlier! The children were screaming and running around, and had taken up all of the cubicles.
Luckily one of the other carers of the disabled people stopped the children from going into her cubicle so that we could at least change and get to the pool side and away from the noise. Ram had gone completely white and froze and I had difficulty getting him into the cubicle.
He was a bit better when we got to the poolside, but he still took a little while to calm down and get into the water. Once he was in, he was ok and enjoyed himself.
I think one of the reasons he likes this session is, aside from it being quiet, no one tries to talk to him. But I have decided that just because no one talks to him, it doesn't mean that we can't interact!
There are three ladies that like to make a train and enjoy being towed through the water. Their carer tows them and says things like 'Toot, toot, train coming through.' We had water woggles so I suggested that next time they came by we make a bridge for them. Ram panicked and wouldn't do it, but I did it anyway, and the ladies loved it! I am hoping that if I do this every week then eventually Ram may join in making a bridge too.
Afterwards we went round the usual small shops in town with Ram in his buggy. He was fine in the first few, but when we got to the last one which is the greengrocer, he fell apart. He likes to sit in his buggy by the till, and all the staff know him very well and they will chat with him. At first I couldn't understand what the problem was, but after sitting with him for a few minutes holding his hand he said it was because there were two new members of staff there!
So we waiting for one of the usual ones to come up from the store room, and she sat which him while I collected the veggies. He wouldn't let me go outside though, and had to come with me and hold my hand while I chose vegetables from the outside display.
When we got back into the car I asked him what had happened to make him so anxious. Ram said that it was just that there were two new people there he didn't know. He also got tearful when he said that the usual girl had said that we wouldn't see the new people, but Ram had seen him on the way out. I pointed out that what she probably mean was that the new boy wouldn't be at the till. He was there to load up the new stock and she wouldn't have thought that just passing someone on the way out counted!
It just goes to show how difficult the most simple thing can be for our aspie children!
Unfortunately it didn't work. We needed to be 20 minutes earlier! The children were screaming and running around, and had taken up all of the cubicles.
Luckily one of the other carers of the disabled people stopped the children from going into her cubicle so that we could at least change and get to the pool side and away from the noise. Ram had gone completely white and froze and I had difficulty getting him into the cubicle.
He was a bit better when we got to the poolside, but he still took a little while to calm down and get into the water. Once he was in, he was ok and enjoyed himself.
I think one of the reasons he likes this session is, aside from it being quiet, no one tries to talk to him. But I have decided that just because no one talks to him, it doesn't mean that we can't interact!
There are three ladies that like to make a train and enjoy being towed through the water. Their carer tows them and says things like 'Toot, toot, train coming through.' We had water woggles so I suggested that next time they came by we make a bridge for them. Ram panicked and wouldn't do it, but I did it anyway, and the ladies loved it! I am hoping that if I do this every week then eventually Ram may join in making a bridge too.
Afterwards we went round the usual small shops in town with Ram in his buggy. He was fine in the first few, but when we got to the last one which is the greengrocer, he fell apart. He likes to sit in his buggy by the till, and all the staff know him very well and they will chat with him. At first I couldn't understand what the problem was, but after sitting with him for a few minutes holding his hand he said it was because there were two new members of staff there!
So we waiting for one of the usual ones to come up from the store room, and she sat which him while I collected the veggies. He wouldn't let me go outside though, and had to come with me and hold my hand while I chose vegetables from the outside display.
When we got back into the car I asked him what had happened to make him so anxious. Ram said that it was just that there were two new people there he didn't know. He also got tearful when he said that the usual girl had said that we wouldn't see the new people, but Ram had seen him on the way out. I pointed out that what she probably mean was that the new boy wouldn't be at the till. He was there to load up the new stock and she wouldn't have thought that just passing someone on the way out counted!
It just goes to show how difficult the most simple thing can be for our aspie children!
Monday, 18 June 2007
Day-Glo Shopping
Today was supposed to be respite day, but Dxh emailed me to say he was ill and couldn't come. I had planned to go out shopping for food as we were running out of things like hambacon (I cook a gammon and then slice it up and fry it like bacon because Ram doesn't like the fat in bacon) cream cheese and crisps.
So when Ram woke up I told him that Dad couldn't make it today, then started reading to him. When there was a break in the story, I called him up from under the covers and asked him if he would like to go shopping with me today, or wait until Thursday when Dad would be here again. By telling him that Dad couldn't make it first, then sometime later asking what he wanted to do about it, I gave him thinking time. If I did both at the same time he would have just panicked and would have said no to what ever I suggested.
He chose to wait until Thursday so that I could go without him, even thought it meant that he wouldn't have as much food to eat. Then after he thought about it a bit more, he said that he would go if he could buy Lego. I knew of a shop in this town that does sell Lego, and it wasn't just his food that we had run out of but fruit and vegetables as well, so I told him about the shop. He decided to change him mind and come shopping with me in exchange for more Lego!
As it was raining on and off, I suggested that he try out my old motorcycle waterproof over suit for when he is in the buggy. We have found that umbrellas don't work very well. Luckily when I was into motorcycles, which feels like it was about 150 years ago, I was very skinny, so width wise it fit him. But length wise, it was a bit long! Still, we managed to get it on him, then put on his ankle boots which stopped the suit from dragging on the ground.
As it is meant to be worn with a helmet, there is no hood, so I tried a rain hat from when he was little but it didn't fit. Then I remembered my wide brimmed waxed cotton hat that I used to wear when I was walking the dogs (regular dog walking took place about 100 years ago). Luckily I have a small head so it fitted Ram perfectly.
We got in the car and off we went. Of course by then the rain had stopped. I remembered the over suit being very hot but Ram didn't seem to mind and decided to wear that and the hat round the supermarket.
Did I mention the colour? No? It is bright orange!
So there I am pushing a buggy with a 10 year old in it, dressed head to toe in Day-glo orange, with a wide brimmed rain hat on. The buggy is hooked up to a trolley meant for a wheelchair, with Ram pushing it and humming the theme tune from the Harry Potter films!

We must have looked a picture! What kind of picture I am not sure, but we did get some friendly attention from some elderly ladies who were impressed with Ram's long plait hanging out the back of the buggy, and we did noticed a man who started humming the same tune!
But it worked. We got our groceries, and the vegetables, managed to go into the butcher which Ram particularly dislikes, and I am now £12 poorer and there is £12 more Lego on the floor at home!
So when Ram woke up I told him that Dad couldn't make it today, then started reading to him. When there was a break in the story, I called him up from under the covers and asked him if he would like to go shopping with me today, or wait until Thursday when Dad would be here again. By telling him that Dad couldn't make it first, then sometime later asking what he wanted to do about it, I gave him thinking time. If I did both at the same time he would have just panicked and would have said no to what ever I suggested.
He chose to wait until Thursday so that I could go without him, even thought it meant that he wouldn't have as much food to eat. Then after he thought about it a bit more, he said that he would go if he could buy Lego. I knew of a shop in this town that does sell Lego, and it wasn't just his food that we had run out of but fruit and vegetables as well, so I told him about the shop. He decided to change him mind and come shopping with me in exchange for more Lego!
As it was raining on and off, I suggested that he try out my old motorcycle waterproof over suit for when he is in the buggy. We have found that umbrellas don't work very well. Luckily when I was into motorcycles, which feels like it was about 150 years ago, I was very skinny, so width wise it fit him. But length wise, it was a bit long! Still, we managed to get it on him, then put on his ankle boots which stopped the suit from dragging on the ground.
As it is meant to be worn with a helmet, there is no hood, so I tried a rain hat from when he was little but it didn't fit. Then I remembered my wide brimmed waxed cotton hat that I used to wear when I was walking the dogs (regular dog walking took place about 100 years ago). Luckily I have a small head so it fitted Ram perfectly.
We got in the car and off we went. Of course by then the rain had stopped. I remembered the over suit being very hot but Ram didn't seem to mind and decided to wear that and the hat round the supermarket.
Did I mention the colour? No? It is bright orange!
So there I am pushing a buggy with a 10 year old in it, dressed head to toe in Day-glo orange, with a wide brimmed rain hat on. The buggy is hooked up to a trolley meant for a wheelchair, with Ram pushing it and humming the theme tune from the Harry Potter films!
We must have looked a picture! What kind of picture I am not sure, but we did get some friendly attention from some elderly ladies who were impressed with Ram's long plait hanging out the back of the buggy, and we did noticed a man who started humming the same tune!
But it worked. We got our groceries, and the vegetables, managed to go into the butcher which Ram particularly dislikes, and I am now £12 poorer and there is £12 more Lego on the floor at home!
Sunday, 17 June 2007
I have found that the best time to talk with Ram about serious things like emotions is after we turn the lights out. Sometimes I am very sleepy and don't do justice to the conversation, but last night in the dark I did pay attention.
I don't know what started it, but Ram suddenly become very angry and tearful. It turned out that he was angry because when he gets angry he is not allowed to hit people!
When he was much younger he did hit people, and we couldn't leave him alone with other children younger than himself. There would be no warning, and it wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with anyone else. He would just come frustrated, and as the only two emotions he had at the time were love and anger, he would just suddenly lash out at the nearest person.
He has learned that hitting people is not appropriate, and we keep a selection of boxes for him to smash when he feels the need, but it seems that it is no longer enough for him. Mind you, this could be because I am now saying boxes to move all our kitchen things into while the carpenter finishes the kitchen that I started 12 years ago!
The boxes actually take up a lot of room and look messy sitting there waiting to be bashed, and I know that Dxh doesn't like them there, but Tony Attwood recommends keeping things like that on hand. He calls it part of the tool box for coping with Asperger's. So the boxes stay.
I thought that martial arts might be a good way for Ram to expend some energy and frustration and he has always been interesting in them, but has refused to go to classes. I know that they wouldn't suit him as he can't function when there are people around him. I suggested we get someone privately, but he said that would only work if he already knew them.
So I put out a call on the Education Otherwise email list, to ask if anyone knows of a video or DVD that we could use to learn from. There are a lot of different people on the list, over 2,000 of them in fact, so I was pretty sure someone would come up with something, and they did!
I will let you know if it all works out!
Today being Sunday and no Dad around, we had a quiet day recovering from Saturday when Dad is around. Ram loves his dad, but finds it tiring to have him here.
As the weather wasn't that good, we caught up with some TV. We watched the last two episodes of Paul Merton's China. I wonder if he knows that there are all these home educated families out there using this series as well as his series on the Silent Cinema, as educational material.
I guess that makes Paul Merton one of our teachers!
I don't know what started it, but Ram suddenly become very angry and tearful. It turned out that he was angry because when he gets angry he is not allowed to hit people!
When he was much younger he did hit people, and we couldn't leave him alone with other children younger than himself. There would be no warning, and it wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with anyone else. He would just come frustrated, and as the only two emotions he had at the time were love and anger, he would just suddenly lash out at the nearest person.
He has learned that hitting people is not appropriate, and we keep a selection of boxes for him to smash when he feels the need, but it seems that it is no longer enough for him. Mind you, this could be because I am now saying boxes to move all our kitchen things into while the carpenter finishes the kitchen that I started 12 years ago!
The boxes actually take up a lot of room and look messy sitting there waiting to be bashed, and I know that Dxh doesn't like them there, but Tony Attwood recommends keeping things like that on hand. He calls it part of the tool box for coping with Asperger's. So the boxes stay.
I thought that martial arts might be a good way for Ram to expend some energy and frustration and he has always been interesting in them, but has refused to go to classes. I know that they wouldn't suit him as he can't function when there are people around him. I suggested we get someone privately, but he said that would only work if he already knew them.
So I put out a call on the Education Otherwise email list, to ask if anyone knows of a video or DVD that we could use to learn from. There are a lot of different people on the list, over 2,000 of them in fact, so I was pretty sure someone would come up with something, and they did!
I will let you know if it all works out!
Today being Sunday and no Dad around, we had a quiet day recovering from Saturday when Dad is around. Ram loves his dad, but finds it tiring to have him here.
As the weather wasn't that good, we caught up with some TV. We watched the last two episodes of Paul Merton's China. I wonder if he knows that there are all these home educated families out there using this series as well as his series on the Silent Cinema, as educational material.
I guess that makes Paul Merton one of our teachers!
Saturday, 16 June 2007
A Day Tinged with Sadness
Today was a day tinged with sadness. My dear friend, MDF, is in hospital again. Her husband rang this morning to say that she had had another stroke on Friday morning. She had her first one about 18 months ago, and although recovery was slow, she was making good progress.
Now all that will be set back again by six months to a year. The stroke wasn't as bad as the first one, but they had thought the first one was a one off, and now it seems it wasn't. There is not much I can do while she is in hospital, but hopefully she will be home again next week so that we can go and visit her.
Today was also Father's Day for us. Even though it is on Sunday, as Dxh comes on Monday for respite day, Ram and Dxh both felt that two days in a row were too much for them!
I decided to get the new barbecue going, but when we went to connect the cylinder we realised that I had go the wrong one! Dxh offered to go return it and get the right one, and Ram went with him so that he could have an ice-cream. When they got back Ram tried to tell me that he had two instead of one, but I didn't believe him. Lying isn't something that comes naturally to either of my boys!
We finally got the beast going. I had had to start the pork chops in the oven while they were getting the correct cylinder, but we managed finish them off on the barbecue, along with cooking the veggies.
Then after we had eaten, I made coffee and Ram carried it out on the tray he had made for Dad, singing 'Happy Father's Day' to the tune of Happy Birthday! Dxh was very pleased with it, especially as Ram did so much of it himself. And I think Ram was proud too. It is so hard to tell though as he doesn't always reflect his emotions in his face.
We spent the rest of the day in and out of the house between rain storms and the computer games. I also managed a little research into the drugs that have been recommended to MDF. It was one less thing for her husband to do. It isn't that we don't trust doctors, it is that they don't always have time to discuss all the options.
After Dxh left we settled down to Dr Who. Neither of us can wait for next week's episode!
And I must have been really tired when I went bed, as Ram kept laughing at the jokes in the book I was reading and I didn't even realise they were funny!
Now all that will be set back again by six months to a year. The stroke wasn't as bad as the first one, but they had thought the first one was a one off, and now it seems it wasn't. There is not much I can do while she is in hospital, but hopefully she will be home again next week so that we can go and visit her.
Today was also Father's Day for us. Even though it is on Sunday, as Dxh comes on Monday for respite day, Ram and Dxh both felt that two days in a row were too much for them!
I decided to get the new barbecue going, but when we went to connect the cylinder we realised that I had go the wrong one! Dxh offered to go return it and get the right one, and Ram went with him so that he could have an ice-cream. When they got back Ram tried to tell me that he had two instead of one, but I didn't believe him. Lying isn't something that comes naturally to either of my boys!
We finally got the beast going. I had had to start the pork chops in the oven while they were getting the correct cylinder, but we managed finish them off on the barbecue, along with cooking the veggies.
Then after we had eaten, I made coffee and Ram carried it out on the tray he had made for Dad, singing 'Happy Father's Day' to the tune of Happy Birthday! Dxh was very pleased with it, especially as Ram did so much of it himself. And I think Ram was proud too. It is so hard to tell though as he doesn't always reflect his emotions in his face.
We spent the rest of the day in and out of the house between rain storms and the computer games. I also managed a little research into the drugs that have been recommended to MDF. It was one less thing for her husband to do. It isn't that we don't trust doctors, it is that they don't always have time to discuss all the options.
After Dxh left we settled down to Dr Who. Neither of us can wait for next week's episode!
And I must have been really tired when I went bed, as Ram kept laughing at the jokes in the book I was reading and I didn't even realise they were funny!
Friday, 15 June 2007
A Revelation About Phones
We finished our Dr Who book this morning. We only had two chapters to read so we finished it quit quickly, but that was a problem because Ram usually spends at least an hour in bed listening to me read before getting up and dressed, so spend less time is a problem. He can't just get out of bed. The change to the routine is too much for him.
So we had an extra long cuddle first before getting dressed. I had to put on a load on laundry and do a couple of things around the house, then we watched the rental DVD which was White Fang, the film based on Jack London's book. At the end Ram said it was fiction, not fact so it didn't really happen, so I had to explain that it didn't exactly happen like that, but that it was a reflection of what happened in the Klondike based on Jack London's experiences there. I think he understood that!
There was a thunder storm so we had to turn off the computers and disconnect the Internet. We have wireless broadband in the village so if the aerials get hit, it runs up the wires into the computers!
We took this time to work on the Father's Day project. Ram had laid out the tiles for the mosaic in the tray but he didn't want to glue them on in case he made a mistake. So I started doing it and showed him how slow drying the glue was so that you could make mistakes and it didn't matter. It seemed to convince him and he took over from me!
After we had finished that and the storm was over, Ram went back to him computer game while we had lunch and while I had my nap. I have had a couple of broken nights and really late nights and I was so tired I fell asleep immediately! I would have liked to have stayed in bed when the timer went off but I know that Ram would start to get anxious if I didn't stick to routine.
We went off to the garage this afternoon to get a new gas cylinder for the barbecue. The old one used butane but this new one uses propane so we had a quick discussion about that. We also had a chat with the garage owner about security and how people break into the cage they keep the cylinders in. They know us really well down there and know we home educate and they always have time for Ram's questions. So much of what he learns is picked up in little ways like this.
When we got back we played Castle Wars.. Ram has played before so he won the first game very easily. The second game I was given some useless cards so I lost again. At least that is my excuse and I am sticking to it!
We started a third game but I had to abandon it as if I didn't go and make the pasta, no one else would and we wouldn't get any supper!
We then watched the final episode of Spring Watch. Evenings just won't be the same without Bill and Kate to make us laugh!
We then had a power failure. There was no rain, wind or lightning so we don't know why. I rang the electricity company and while I was on the phone Ram started talking to me. I asked him to stop because I couldn't hear the recorded message and he got really annoyed. I know that while they are annoyed is not the right time to discuss things so I left it until we went to bed.
I pointed out to Ram that I can't talk to two people at once. He said that I do it when Dad is here. I asked when had I been on the phone when Dad was here and he explained that what he meant was that when Dad was here there were three of us talking.
So I pointed out that it was different as it was a three way conversation which we all took part in because we were all in the same room and could take turns. I pointed out that when I was on the phone the person on the other end couldn't hear what he was saying and wouldn't know that there was someone else taking so it ends up with two people talking at once.
Ram went very quiet! I don't think he had realised that that was how telephones worked!
This explains why I had so much problem being on the phone when Ram is around, and hopefully this will help him understand how phones work.
We managed to get to bed a little earlier tonight, as it was so dark because of the rain storms. We did watch the first five minutes of the 10 o'clock news to see how much rain the rest of the country had, but we have been lucky down here it seems with no flooding.
We started another Discworld book this evening, called Sorcerer. I think it must be the funniest one yet as we were both laughing hard before we had even got to the story proper!
So we had an extra long cuddle first before getting dressed. I had to put on a load on laundry and do a couple of things around the house, then we watched the rental DVD which was White Fang, the film based on Jack London's book. At the end Ram said it was fiction, not fact so it didn't really happen, so I had to explain that it didn't exactly happen like that, but that it was a reflection of what happened in the Klondike based on Jack London's experiences there. I think he understood that!
There was a thunder storm so we had to turn off the computers and disconnect the Internet. We have wireless broadband in the village so if the aerials get hit, it runs up the wires into the computers!
We took this time to work on the Father's Day project. Ram had laid out the tiles for the mosaic in the tray but he didn't want to glue them on in case he made a mistake. So I started doing it and showed him how slow drying the glue was so that you could make mistakes and it didn't matter. It seemed to convince him and he took over from me!
After we had finished that and the storm was over, Ram went back to him computer game while we had lunch and while I had my nap. I have had a couple of broken nights and really late nights and I was so tired I fell asleep immediately! I would have liked to have stayed in bed when the timer went off but I know that Ram would start to get anxious if I didn't stick to routine.
We went off to the garage this afternoon to get a new gas cylinder for the barbecue. The old one used butane but this new one uses propane so we had a quick discussion about that. We also had a chat with the garage owner about security and how people break into the cage they keep the cylinders in. They know us really well down there and know we home educate and they always have time for Ram's questions. So much of what he learns is picked up in little ways like this.
When we got back we played Castle Wars.. Ram has played before so he won the first game very easily. The second game I was given some useless cards so I lost again. At least that is my excuse and I am sticking to it!
We started a third game but I had to abandon it as if I didn't go and make the pasta, no one else would and we wouldn't get any supper!
We then watched the final episode of Spring Watch. Evenings just won't be the same without Bill and Kate to make us laugh!
We then had a power failure. There was no rain, wind or lightning so we don't know why. I rang the electricity company and while I was on the phone Ram started talking to me. I asked him to stop because I couldn't hear the recorded message and he got really annoyed. I know that while they are annoyed is not the right time to discuss things so I left it until we went to bed.
I pointed out to Ram that I can't talk to two people at once. He said that I do it when Dad is here. I asked when had I been on the phone when Dad was here and he explained that what he meant was that when Dad was here there were three of us talking.
So I pointed out that it was different as it was a three way conversation which we all took part in because we were all in the same room and could take turns. I pointed out that when I was on the phone the person on the other end couldn't hear what he was saying and wouldn't know that there was someone else taking so it ends up with two people talking at once.
Ram went very quiet! I don't think he had realised that that was how telephones worked!
This explains why I had so much problem being on the phone when Ram is around, and hopefully this will help him understand how phones work.
We managed to get to bed a little earlier tonight, as it was so dark because of the rain storms. We did watch the first five minutes of the 10 o'clock news to see how much rain the rest of the country had, but we have been lucky down here it seems with no flooding.
We started another Discworld book this evening, called Sorcerer. I think it must be the funniest one yet as we were both laughing hard before we had even got to the story proper!
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Managed Some Crafts!
Last night was a late night for us again. Ram just can't get to sleep if there is the slightest bit of light around, so I have given up tying to get to bed at a decent time. The problem is Arrow likes to get up with the cows next door! They start milking them at 10 to six, so if I don't get up then, Arrow reminds me with a bark or two!
Because Ram was late getting to sleep I let him sleep in for a while. When he did wake up we did our usual reading in bed. Because he was late waking up it meant that we didn't actually get out of bed to get dressed until 11! By the time he had breakfast it was nearly my lunch time. But one of the joys of home education is that you can do these things, and there isn't anyone to tell you that you have to have lunch at a certain time.
It was raining again today on and off, which is great because the veggies I planted out the other day needed it. Unfortunately it also brings out the snails so I hope the thrushes were busy too!
As it was raining, after his morning of Dr Who Ram went back onto the computer to play his Warhammer game. That meant that I could catch up with some emails. Most of my social life takes place on the Internet these days. One email list I belong to is for spinners and weavers and there were a few of them yesterday that seemed to be at a loose end and we had a great old time with lots of banter, and reminisces of the old days. They are a great bunch of people and it is like going out to a party sometimes, only without having to leave my chair.
Ram decided to make something for Dxh for Father's day, and has chosen a tray, so that he can carry his cup of tea and biscuits from his kitchen to his sitting room. He is going to make a mosaic for the tray. We bought all the materials from Opitec some time ago, but it is only now that Ram feels ready to work on it. He laid out the tiles the way he wanted them, but then found that he didn't have enough to do the pattern he wanted. I made a few suggestions, and eventually he found a way to do the last few rows keeping the symmetry he wanted.
He doesn't want to glue the tiles down himself because he is afraid that he will do it wrong, so I will do that for him, then we can get mucky together and put the grout in.
Ram finds this sort of creativity very difficult. He has ideas in his head but because they don't come out they way he wants them to, he rarely will try to do them. He hated colouring as a little one because he couldn't keep in the lines, so he never did it even though I told him that if he practised it would become easier.
I loved colouring as a child, so I had been collecting colouring books from charity shops for him! Luckily his friend Sheepy likes to colour so he gets the pick of the colouring books when he comes round. And if I had the time I would colour them myself!
After Spring Watch we went back to our computers until it was dark. By then I was nearly asleep on my feet. Ram however, had loads more to tell me about Bionicles! Poor thing. I know he loves them and I do try to show an interest, but at 11 at night, I just can't manage it!
Because Ram was late getting to sleep I let him sleep in for a while. When he did wake up we did our usual reading in bed. Because he was late waking up it meant that we didn't actually get out of bed to get dressed until 11! By the time he had breakfast it was nearly my lunch time. But one of the joys of home education is that you can do these things, and there isn't anyone to tell you that you have to have lunch at a certain time.
It was raining again today on and off, which is great because the veggies I planted out the other day needed it. Unfortunately it also brings out the snails so I hope the thrushes were busy too!
As it was raining, after his morning of Dr Who Ram went back onto the computer to play his Warhammer game. That meant that I could catch up with some emails. Most of my social life takes place on the Internet these days. One email list I belong to is for spinners and weavers and there were a few of them yesterday that seemed to be at a loose end and we had a great old time with lots of banter, and reminisces of the old days. They are a great bunch of people and it is like going out to a party sometimes, only without having to leave my chair.
Ram decided to make something for Dxh for Father's day, and has chosen a tray, so that he can carry his cup of tea and biscuits from his kitchen to his sitting room. He is going to make a mosaic for the tray. We bought all the materials from Opitec some time ago, but it is only now that Ram feels ready to work on it. He laid out the tiles the way he wanted them, but then found that he didn't have enough to do the pattern he wanted. I made a few suggestions, and eventually he found a way to do the last few rows keeping the symmetry he wanted.
He doesn't want to glue the tiles down himself because he is afraid that he will do it wrong, so I will do that for him, then we can get mucky together and put the grout in.
Ram finds this sort of creativity very difficult. He has ideas in his head but because they don't come out they way he wants them to, he rarely will try to do them. He hated colouring as a little one because he couldn't keep in the lines, so he never did it even though I told him that if he practised it would become easier.
I loved colouring as a child, so I had been collecting colouring books from charity shops for him! Luckily his friend Sheepy likes to colour so he gets the pick of the colouring books when he comes round. And if I had the time I would colour them myself!
After Spring Watch we went back to our computers until it was dark. By then I was nearly asleep on my feet. Ram however, had loads more to tell me about Bionicles! Poor thing. I know he loves them and I do try to show an interest, but at 11 at night, I just can't manage it!
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Wednesday:The Rain is My Fault - and Our Own Private Spring Watch
We found out this morning why the sheep were talking to Ram last night. They were telling him all about their excitement of being sheered!
Our lovely farmer next door knocked on the door first thing to let us know that the fleeces were ready. She and her daughter had them all set out, some with names for spinning and the rest in a pile for insulation. There are only 11 all together, but that will keep me going for a while.
After we made some meringues to make up for not getting any yesterday, we went over and got them. We also heard that one of them had a nasty nick on her belly. It would have been what they call a pumper on ER! Luckily their daughter, who is hoping to be a veterinary nurse, was able to stop it. Because they had been sheered it meant that they could wrap a bandage round the whole sheep to keep the packing in place, and this morning she was fine. In fact they all went back down to the fields.
We finally had our barbecue delivered today. I have had a gas barbecue for many years, and the last one had rusted out, so I chose a slightly more robust one this time. It was delivered before I had my nap, but the weather looked ok, so I left it in its box outside, along with the fleeces.
However, when I got up from my nap, the black clouds had arrived. As I went out to see to the fleeces the big drops starting pinging slowly down. It was a mad dash to get the fleece either in the house or in the garage. Wool can absorb a huge amount of water and I didn't really want to have to lug around heavy wet fleeces.
Then as it really started to pour I realised that I couldn't leave the barbecue outside in the cardboard box, but it was too heavy for me to carry inside! It meant a rapid emptying of the box into an already crowded house. Ram had received his Lego in the post as well today and was busy putting that together!
In the end we spent the afternoon putting things together, Ram with his Lego and me with my barbecue, which is just like a Lego model for adults.
So you see, the rain was my fault!
We have also been having our own private Spring Watch today. It started last night really, with bats flying around while Ram had the bedroom window open for the conversation with the sheep. Then this morning while we were doing Ram's hair we watched an adult black bird with a juvenile following him around asking for food. Then of course there were the sheep with their short back and sides (and belly!) for the summer. And when the rain started we were able to see much more. A pair of thrushes started to look for worms, which is great news as we were worried that the thrush that died was and adult and that the chicks may not have survived. We also got a great look at some very wet and very newly fledged blue tits on the feeder on the window, as well as a frog that kept hopping up and down the path outside the window.
The lovely Kate Humble wasn't with us of course so it wasn't quite the same as watching it on TV, but I am not sure whose jokes are worse, Bill Oddie's or Ram's
Our lovely farmer next door knocked on the door first thing to let us know that the fleeces were ready. She and her daughter had them all set out, some with names for spinning and the rest in a pile for insulation. There are only 11 all together, but that will keep me going for a while.
After we made some meringues to make up for not getting any yesterday, we went over and got them. We also heard that one of them had a nasty nick on her belly. It would have been what they call a pumper on ER! Luckily their daughter, who is hoping to be a veterinary nurse, was able to stop it. Because they had been sheered it meant that they could wrap a bandage round the whole sheep to keep the packing in place, and this morning she was fine. In fact they all went back down to the fields.
We finally had our barbecue delivered today. I have had a gas barbecue for many years, and the last one had rusted out, so I chose a slightly more robust one this time. It was delivered before I had my nap, but the weather looked ok, so I left it in its box outside, along with the fleeces.
However, when I got up from my nap, the black clouds had arrived. As I went out to see to the fleeces the big drops starting pinging slowly down. It was a mad dash to get the fleece either in the house or in the garage. Wool can absorb a huge amount of water and I didn't really want to have to lug around heavy wet fleeces.
Then as it really started to pour I realised that I couldn't leave the barbecue outside in the cardboard box, but it was too heavy for me to carry inside! It meant a rapid emptying of the box into an already crowded house. Ram had received his Lego in the post as well today and was busy putting that together!
In the end we spent the afternoon putting things together, Ram with his Lego and me with my barbecue, which is just like a Lego model for adults.
So you see, the rain was my fault!
We have also been having our own private Spring Watch today. It started last night really, with bats flying around while Ram had the bedroom window open for the conversation with the sheep. Then this morning while we were doing Ram's hair we watched an adult black bird with a juvenile following him around asking for food. Then of course there were the sheep with their short back and sides (and belly!) for the summer. And when the rain started we were able to see much more. A pair of thrushes started to look for worms, which is great news as we were worried that the thrush that died was and adult and that the chicks may not have survived. We also got a great look at some very wet and very newly fledged blue tits on the feeder on the window, as well as a frog that kept hopping up and down the path outside the window.
The lovely Kate Humble wasn't with us of course so it wasn't quite the same as watching it on TV, but I am not sure whose jokes are worse, Bill Oddie's or Ram's
Tuesday - Dentist Day
I didn't know how today was going to go, and was worried that it wouldn't be a good one because we had a visit to the dentist, but I was pleasantly surprised!
Last time we went to the dentist Ram had a meltdown. He has never been happy about going there. First of all there is the smell. Once I turned round to find him sitting there with a finger up each nostril to keep the smell out! Then there is the sound from people and machines. And worst of all is people touching him.
I forget that Ram is sensory defensive because he is ok with me and Dxh touching him, but no one else can. So last time when I told him that the dentist wouldn't put anything in his mouth, he took it literally, also something that children with Asperger's do, and thought that included fingers, even though I only meant tools!
The moment that the dentist touched him he flipped out. You could see him go pale and start to shake. We had Dxh with us so he took Ram straight out to a play park to calm down, and I stayed to sign the papers and talk with the dentist about it. She is a lovely lady, with several children and grandchildren and really understands special needs children. We decided to have Ram come back again not only to see if we could get him to relax a bit and have a more positive experience, but also to meet the new dentist who is taking over from the old one!
So today was the day. Ram was not happy about it but we had talked on and off for months, planning exactly how it would go. We took our Dr Who book to read to take his mind off waiting, then went in to the consulting room with him in his buggy. I explained to the dentist in front of Ram exactly how he felt last time, and how he thought I had lied to him when I said that she wouldn't put anything in his mouth.
This time he stayed in his buggy, and she started with the mirror about a foot away from his mouth, then slowly moved it closer asking him if it was alright. It was the basic cognitive behaviour therapy approach. She got to within three inches of his face when he felt it was close enough. He then opened wide and let her look in, but wouldn't let her touch him.
He was fine with that, which I was really relieved about! It means that we had a positive experience so that next time it should be even better. The new dentist was there watching and I only hope she remembers next time we go. Luckily both Ram and I have really good teeth, so hopefully we will only ever need check ups.
When we got outside I told Ram that I was very proud of him. I asked him if it would make him feel better inside if I gave him a hug or kiss. But no, the only thing that would make him feel good inside was Lego!
We then went to the The House of Cheese, a shop that sells, yes, cheese! And we had the same old joke that we get every time from Ram: if it is a house of cheese why can't we eat it! They are lovely in there and they know that Ram has Asperger's and always treat him well. They let him try the cheeses before we buy. Today we just got sheep and goat cheeses to see if Dxh's sensitivity to milk is cow only, or extends to other animals.
Then we went to the bakery where Ram always has a meringue after the dentist (shhhh....don't tell her!) but they didn't have any! Ram didn't want to leave without something, but only wanted a meringue and couldn't shift to anything else. After about 5 minutes he finally chose two pieces of shortbread, as he figured they had as much sugar as one meringue! Luckily there were no other customers with us so he didn't get two distressed.
We had two sirens to deal with. First an ambulance and then a fire engine which went right along side us. Both times I had to stop and put my hands over his ears. One day Ram might learn to do it himself, but the loud noise seems to stop him from being able to think. By the time we got back to the car we were both frazzled, Ram from the noise and me from helping him cope with the noise as well as the changes and challenges. Both of us agreed that living in the countryside is much quieter than living in town.
We had lots of deliveries waiting for us when we got back, including some vegetable plants I had ordered and a new computer game that Ram saw reviewed in Education Otherwise's children's pages of the Newsletter. It was supposed to be for when the carpenter comes to finish the kitchen but as the plants needed planted I let him start it today so that I could get out in the garden. He normally can't cope with me working in the garden, but when he is engrossed with a computer game he doesn't see to notice.
After Spring Watch and a little more computer game, we went up to bed. I was still in the bathroom and Ram had gone into the bedroom, when I heard the sheep next door baaing. Then I heard Ram answering them! We ended up in hysterics with the sheep and Ram having a conversation!
Ram likes sheep and thinks of himself as one. I guess you don't need to wonder how he got his nickname any more!
Last time we went to the dentist Ram had a meltdown. He has never been happy about going there. First of all there is the smell. Once I turned round to find him sitting there with a finger up each nostril to keep the smell out! Then there is the sound from people and machines. And worst of all is people touching him.
I forget that Ram is sensory defensive because he is ok with me and Dxh touching him, but no one else can. So last time when I told him that the dentist wouldn't put anything in his mouth, he took it literally, also something that children with Asperger's do, and thought that included fingers, even though I only meant tools!
The moment that the dentist touched him he flipped out. You could see him go pale and start to shake. We had Dxh with us so he took Ram straight out to a play park to calm down, and I stayed to sign the papers and talk with the dentist about it. She is a lovely lady, with several children and grandchildren and really understands special needs children. We decided to have Ram come back again not only to see if we could get him to relax a bit and have a more positive experience, but also to meet the new dentist who is taking over from the old one!
So today was the day. Ram was not happy about it but we had talked on and off for months, planning exactly how it would go. We took our Dr Who book to read to take his mind off waiting, then went in to the consulting room with him in his buggy. I explained to the dentist in front of Ram exactly how he felt last time, and how he thought I had lied to him when I said that she wouldn't put anything in his mouth.
This time he stayed in his buggy, and she started with the mirror about a foot away from his mouth, then slowly moved it closer asking him if it was alright. It was the basic cognitive behaviour therapy approach. She got to within three inches of his face when he felt it was close enough. He then opened wide and let her look in, but wouldn't let her touch him.
He was fine with that, which I was really relieved about! It means that we had a positive experience so that next time it should be even better. The new dentist was there watching and I only hope she remembers next time we go. Luckily both Ram and I have really good teeth, so hopefully we will only ever need check ups.
When we got outside I told Ram that I was very proud of him. I asked him if it would make him feel better inside if I gave him a hug or kiss. But no, the only thing that would make him feel good inside was Lego!
We then went to the The House of Cheese, a shop that sells, yes, cheese! And we had the same old joke that we get every time from Ram: if it is a house of cheese why can't we eat it! They are lovely in there and they know that Ram has Asperger's and always treat him well. They let him try the cheeses before we buy. Today we just got sheep and goat cheeses to see if Dxh's sensitivity to milk is cow only, or extends to other animals.
Then we went to the bakery where Ram always has a meringue after the dentist (shhhh....don't tell her!) but they didn't have any! Ram didn't want to leave without something, but only wanted a meringue and couldn't shift to anything else. After about 5 minutes he finally chose two pieces of shortbread, as he figured they had as much sugar as one meringue! Luckily there were no other customers with us so he didn't get two distressed.
We had two sirens to deal with. First an ambulance and then a fire engine which went right along side us. Both times I had to stop and put my hands over his ears. One day Ram might learn to do it himself, but the loud noise seems to stop him from being able to think. By the time we got back to the car we were both frazzled, Ram from the noise and me from helping him cope with the noise as well as the changes and challenges. Both of us agreed that living in the countryside is much quieter than living in town.
We had lots of deliveries waiting for us when we got back, including some vegetable plants I had ordered and a new computer game that Ram saw reviewed in Education Otherwise's children's pages of the Newsletter. It was supposed to be for when the carpenter comes to finish the kitchen but as the plants needed planted I let him start it today so that I could get out in the garden. He normally can't cope with me working in the garden, but when he is engrossed with a computer game he doesn't see to notice.
After Spring Watch and a little more computer game, we went up to bed. I was still in the bathroom and Ram had gone into the bedroom, when I heard the sheep next door baaing. Then I heard Ram answering them! We ended up in hysterics with the sheep and Ram having a conversation!
Ram likes sheep and thinks of himself as one. I guess you don't need to wonder how he got his nickname any more!
Monday, 11 June 2007
Monday - Respite Day
Today was respite day for me. For those of you new to the blog, Ram has hated his last couple of respite carers so at the moment Dxh takes a day out of running his alternative energy company to care for Ram. It is a win win win situation. Ram wins because he gets to be with someone he likes, Dxh wins because he gets to spend more time with his son than most men do, and I win because I get to do all the grocery shopping, pay the bills and work in the garden. Hmmmm...putting it like that I am not sure that I am winning here!
Back to today. I had to go down to the little shopping centre in one of the local towns here. Ram needs new wellies and also some shoes that cover his feet but are cooler than his boots that he wears in the winter to help stabilise his ankles. He really hates shopping so I decided to buy several pairs of different sizes and bring them home for him to try on and return what didn't fit. I explained to the people in Millets and they thought that it was a good idea. I bought two sizes of their activity shoes (lighter than trainers and waterproof, and could be used for rock climbing) and although I wanted two sizes of wellies they only had one size in stock. As Ram's current boots were size two, I got three and four.
Unfortunately they are all too small! The new size three boots are the same size as the size twos! And his instep is too high for the shoes and he couldn't even get his feet into the size four!
I thought it was such a good plan to buy several pairs and take back what didn't fit. Ram hates shopping and becomes very distressed and I know that he would rather go without shoes than go shopping. So I guess I will have to think again, and maybe shop on the Internet.
In the afternoon the boys finally went out to the special needs play park that we belong to. I think Ram would have happily stayed on his computer all day, but I needed to make some phone calls and he can't cope with that, so I finally had to put my foot down and ordered them out!
While they were out having a great time building huge sandcastles I was paying bills, sorting out credit cards, and re-ordering dog and bird food. It seems that the order I made last week didn't go though!
They boys finally got back at six o'clock and Ram settled down to read a comic while I made supper. Then we ate while enjoying I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue on Radio 4. It is really lovely to share jokes with Ram like that.
We will now settle down to a little Spring Watch and see how the birds and wildlife faired over the weekend. I hope they did better than our jackdaw Hopalong!
Back to today. I had to go down to the little shopping centre in one of the local towns here. Ram needs new wellies and also some shoes that cover his feet but are cooler than his boots that he wears in the winter to help stabilise his ankles. He really hates shopping so I decided to buy several pairs of different sizes and bring them home for him to try on and return what didn't fit. I explained to the people in Millets and they thought that it was a good idea. I bought two sizes of their activity shoes (lighter than trainers and waterproof, and could be used for rock climbing) and although I wanted two sizes of wellies they only had one size in stock. As Ram's current boots were size two, I got three and four.
Unfortunately they are all too small! The new size three boots are the same size as the size twos! And his instep is too high for the shoes and he couldn't even get his feet into the size four!
I thought it was such a good plan to buy several pairs and take back what didn't fit. Ram hates shopping and becomes very distressed and I know that he would rather go without shoes than go shopping. So I guess I will have to think again, and maybe shop on the Internet.
In the afternoon the boys finally went out to the special needs play park that we belong to. I think Ram would have happily stayed on his computer all day, but I needed to make some phone calls and he can't cope with that, so I finally had to put my foot down and ordered them out!
While they were out having a great time building huge sandcastles I was paying bills, sorting out credit cards, and re-ordering dog and bird food. It seems that the order I made last week didn't go though!
They boys finally got back at six o'clock and Ram settled down to read a comic while I made supper. Then we ate while enjoying I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue on Radio 4. It is really lovely to share jokes with Ram like that.
We will now settle down to a little Spring Watch and see how the birds and wildlife faired over the weekend. I hope they did better than our jackdaw Hopalong!
Sunday - Sad News
We had some bad news today. We noticed that Hopalong's family weren't there to screech at us this morning, and we hadn't seen him either. I went down to the bottom of the garden and there he was, lying dead at the bottom on the sycamore tree.
We had a good look at him as we don't think he was attacked as there was no trauma like that. His tail feathers were barely out, and one of his wings looked different from the other one. Either he fell out of the tree and hit it on the way down, or maybe he broke it when he fledged from the nest. The Jackdaws always nest in the old owl holes at the top of the barn, so it would have been a long way down if he wasn't ready to fly.
The good thing is that at least we know what happened to him. So often wildlife comes and goes and you have no idea why. We put the body into the nettle patch at the bottom of the garden, where we put the thrush which killed itself by flying into one of the windows. There are just a few feathers left there from the thrush, so a fox has probably taken it, and hopefully someone will take Hopalong too, so that the cycle of life can carry on.
On a happier note, we had a love swim today. Two in fact! All morning Ram was itching to get into the pool. We read a lot of the Dr Who book we are reading, but finally at 12 I said that we could swim after lunch. So straight away he said he was hungry!
We have a solar cover for the pool and it is surprisingly good. The top four inches get really warm with it on. As you dip your leg in, you think the water is really warm, then your foot hits the cold water at the bottom and it is a bit of a shock!
Our usual technique is to walk around the outside edge of the pool to mix up all the water, then when the water is rushing around really fast, we count to three and drop down into the pool and let the current of the water take us around.
It is always a bit of a shock at first, but we soon get used to it. We spent half an hour in the pool, then I had my nap. Oh, for those of you that are new to the blog, I have a power nap every afternoon if I can. It has helped combat the exhaustion hugely.
Anyway, we spent the afternoon in the sun and shade, on the garden chairs and in the hammock, reading Dr Who. Then before supper we decided to swim again. The water was even warmer so it felt really lovely, but the air was starting to get cooler, so we didn't stay in as long.
We got to watch Saturday's Dr Who episode again so that we could record it. I actually think it was scarier the second time round. Now I have to go and lock up outside again. Half of me doesn't want to go out in case the stone statue of Arrow has moved. And the other half of me wants to go out and move it to scare Ram!
We had a good look at him as we don't think he was attacked as there was no trauma like that. His tail feathers were barely out, and one of his wings looked different from the other one. Either he fell out of the tree and hit it on the way down, or maybe he broke it when he fledged from the nest. The Jackdaws always nest in the old owl holes at the top of the barn, so it would have been a long way down if he wasn't ready to fly.
The good thing is that at least we know what happened to him. So often wildlife comes and goes and you have no idea why. We put the body into the nettle patch at the bottom of the garden, where we put the thrush which killed itself by flying into one of the windows. There are just a few feathers left there from the thrush, so a fox has probably taken it, and hopefully someone will take Hopalong too, so that the cycle of life can carry on.
On a happier note, we had a love swim today. Two in fact! All morning Ram was itching to get into the pool. We read a lot of the Dr Who book we are reading, but finally at 12 I said that we could swim after lunch. So straight away he said he was hungry!
We have a solar cover for the pool and it is surprisingly good. The top four inches get really warm with it on. As you dip your leg in, you think the water is really warm, then your foot hits the cold water at the bottom and it is a bit of a shock!
Our usual technique is to walk around the outside edge of the pool to mix up all the water, then when the water is rushing around really fast, we count to three and drop down into the pool and let the current of the water take us around.
It is always a bit of a shock at first, but we soon get used to it. We spent half an hour in the pool, then I had my nap. Oh, for those of you that are new to the blog, I have a power nap every afternoon if I can. It has helped combat the exhaustion hugely.
Anyway, we spent the afternoon in the sun and shade, on the garden chairs and in the hammock, reading Dr Who. Then before supper we decided to swim again. The water was even warmer so it felt really lovely, but the air was starting to get cooler, so we didn't stay in as long.
We got to watch Saturday's Dr Who episode again so that we could record it. I actually think it was scarier the second time round. Now I have to go and lock up outside again. Half of me doesn't want to go out in case the stone statue of Arrow has moved. And the other half of me wants to go out and move it to scare Ram!
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Saturday - We Got the Pool Up!
Ram slept late this morning again, so the Dxh arrived for Family Day before we had even got dressed! He got dogged by Arrow, who always seems so excited to see him, then settled down to a cup of tea while we got dressed.
We decided to sit in the garden while Ram had his breakfast of "warm bread and mingmite" He has very specific things he will eat, and very specific names for them. So no Marmite in this house, only mingmite!
It was almost too hot to do anything so we just sat around for a bit. We knew that it was the day to get the pool out but kept putting it off, sitting and chatting instead. I often use the time when the Dxh is here to consolidate education by having purposive conversation. In telling Dxh what we have been doing, it gives Ram a chance to go through other things and anything that he hasn't understood we can help him with in a gentle way, so that he doesn't feel that he is stupid. It also gives him practice in speech.
Ram has always been very verbal, but for a verbal child he doesn't have have a speech problem. He often can't get his words in the right order when he wants to tell someone about something, but can wax lyrical in monologue about Lego Bionicle!
Today was not a good day for conversation though. Ram just kept interrupting us, and when we pointed out what we were talking about he would just walk away, then come back and interrupt us again. He was in his own world and this carried on all day. He would walk around using random words that had nothing to do with any conversation going on at the time, and making strange noises.
We had another random interruption today to, from the Jackdaws. They fledged on Wednesday, and one of them still isn't flying off the ground! We watched him all day practising on Ram's assault course, hopping from tyre, to one level of climbing frame, across the climbing frame and up a level, and eventually to the lowest branch of our sycamore, then it would do it in reverse and we would watch him go back again. We could get up very close to it, and if the rest of its family was around we would be told off. We have named him Hopalong!
Finally in the afternoon we got the pool up. Ram at first sat there with his legs in, watching for wrinkles in the bottom so that we could pull them out before it filled up completely. Then as it got fuller, he got in a walked around. Finally he got bored with that and went right in! It is 10 foot in diameter, and this year we have got it on more level ground so that it is nearly three foot deep. It didn't fill until six o'clock so we didn't get a real swim.
After the Dxh went it was just time to water the garden, scour some Jacobs fleece (more about that another day) and get supper ready before Dr Who. This was the scariest one yet! Ram was really excited about it and and talked about how the less dramatic the monster is, the more scarier it is. He was still going on about it at bed time!
Afterwards, I went out to tidy and lock up the garage, just in case there was a thunder storm. I locked the big doors of the garage first, then went round to the pedestrian door. Just as I was turning the key in the lock, I heard a knock from the inside! It really startled me, and I didn't think 'who' was in the garage but 'what'! Of course it was Ram, but I guess I was more frightened by Dr Who than I realised!
We decided to sit in the garden while Ram had his breakfast of "warm bread and mingmite" He has very specific things he will eat, and very specific names for them. So no Marmite in this house, only mingmite!
It was almost too hot to do anything so we just sat around for a bit. We knew that it was the day to get the pool out but kept putting it off, sitting and chatting instead. I often use the time when the Dxh is here to consolidate education by having purposive conversation. In telling Dxh what we have been doing, it gives Ram a chance to go through other things and anything that he hasn't understood we can help him with in a gentle way, so that he doesn't feel that he is stupid. It also gives him practice in speech.
Ram has always been very verbal, but for a verbal child he doesn't have have a speech problem. He often can't get his words in the right order when he wants to tell someone about something, but can wax lyrical in monologue about Lego Bionicle!
Today was not a good day for conversation though. Ram just kept interrupting us, and when we pointed out what we were talking about he would just walk away, then come back and interrupt us again. He was in his own world and this carried on all day. He would walk around using random words that had nothing to do with any conversation going on at the time, and making strange noises.
We had another random interruption today to, from the Jackdaws. They fledged on Wednesday, and one of them still isn't flying off the ground! We watched him all day practising on Ram's assault course, hopping from tyre, to one level of climbing frame, across the climbing frame and up a level, and eventually to the lowest branch of our sycamore, then it would do it in reverse and we would watch him go back again. We could get up very close to it, and if the rest of its family was around we would be told off. We have named him Hopalong!
Finally in the afternoon we got the pool up. Ram at first sat there with his legs in, watching for wrinkles in the bottom so that we could pull them out before it filled up completely. Then as it got fuller, he got in a walked around. Finally he got bored with that and went right in! It is 10 foot in diameter, and this year we have got it on more level ground so that it is nearly three foot deep. It didn't fill until six o'clock so we didn't get a real swim.
After the Dxh went it was just time to water the garden, scour some Jacobs fleece (more about that another day) and get supper ready before Dr Who. This was the scariest one yet! Ram was really excited about it and and talked about how the less dramatic the monster is, the more scarier it is. He was still going on about it at bed time!
Afterwards, I went out to tidy and lock up the garage, just in case there was a thunder storm. I locked the big doors of the garage first, then went round to the pedestrian door. Just as I was turning the key in the lock, I heard a knock from the inside! It really startled me, and I didn't think 'who' was in the garage but 'what'! Of course it was Ram, but I guess I was more frightened by Dr Who than I realised!
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Getting to grips with things.
I first started blogging when I was asked to do a month of blogs on the he-special! website. I was new to blogging then, but I found that not only did I enjoy it, but the people reading it did!
I have now done a second stint, and if you want to catch up with that then you will find it here .
I have spent the last couple of days trying to get to grips with the software here as it is a bit different from what I was using on the other site. I think I understand it now, but please forgive me if I get it wrong.
Yesterday was a very good day for a change. Ram was relaxed and settled. Because of the really light evenings he isn't getting to sleep until late, so I let him sleep till 9. I couldn't let him sleep any longer though, as we were going to visit my My Dear Friend (MDF) and her son.
We have just started a Dr Who novel, so we only had one chapter to get into it. But this one seems to have been better written than the last one we read. It is interesting though, trying to capture the characters. This one was written with Christopher Eccelston as the Dr, and the last one we read was with David Tennant. I hope I get their voices and characters right. At least It is still Billy, and her accent is easy to do. I don't know how I will cope when they start coming out with Freema in the books!
After reading and getting dressed I made a salad and cut some ham and bread to take to MDF. She is still without energy from her stroke so it is easier for us to take lunch. Less for her to do and less washing up too and I bring the dirty things back with me.
Ram was very excited as MDF's son is off school at the moment having had an operation on his foot. He didn't manage to say hi to MDF when we got there but went straight upstairs to play on the Wii with MDF's son! Interestingly, they actually played together this time. The son has Asperger's too and often they just seem to parallel play, but this time they spent the whole time together.
Of course having a new second controller for the Wii may have something to do with it!
We left in time to get back for the grass cutting boys. They commented on how good the newspaper article was about us, which was a great surprise! I had only got half way through reading the local paper and I hadn't come across it!
We read it together and found that they messed up the final quote from Ram, they implied that he didn't love home education as much as his mother did, but what he had meant was that he didn't love home education as much as he loved his mother!
We went down to the petrol station to pick up a couple more copies of the paper. Unfortunately the paper hasn't put the article up on the website so we can't share it out that way. And what trip to the petrol station is complete without an ice cream!
Ram then sat going though old papers looking for the puzzle pages. I am not quite sure what he was looking at, and he didn't have a pencil with him, but I was reluctant to ask just in case it spoiled things. He can be so oppositional that sometimes just asking about something makes him stop.
We had a great laugh watching Spring Watch this evening. In the morning we had been discussing it and he suddenly realised that it was educational and make a funny joke about not watching it any more. Luckily he didn't stick to that and we are going to carry on.
Then in the dusk just before bed we did our own little Spring Watch and had a look at the grass snake curled up in the compost heap, noted that the jackdaws are no longer having a go at us, which means that the fledglings are now safely fledged (one couldn't fly and spend a day in the long grass outside the back door and each time we went out the parents had a go at us) and listened for the owls. No bats last night.
Then back in bed with Dr Who. Ram still had difficulty falling asleep, but I didn't!
I have now done a second stint, and if you want to catch up with that then you will find it here .
I have spent the last couple of days trying to get to grips with the software here as it is a bit different from what I was using on the other site. I think I understand it now, but please forgive me if I get it wrong.
Yesterday was a very good day for a change. Ram was relaxed and settled. Because of the really light evenings he isn't getting to sleep until late, so I let him sleep till 9. I couldn't let him sleep any longer though, as we were going to visit my My Dear Friend (MDF) and her son.
We have just started a Dr Who novel, so we only had one chapter to get into it. But this one seems to have been better written than the last one we read. It is interesting though, trying to capture the characters. This one was written with Christopher Eccelston as the Dr, and the last one we read was with David Tennant. I hope I get their voices and characters right. At least It is still Billy, and her accent is easy to do. I don't know how I will cope when they start coming out with Freema in the books!
After reading and getting dressed I made a salad and cut some ham and bread to take to MDF. She is still without energy from her stroke so it is easier for us to take lunch. Less for her to do and less washing up too and I bring the dirty things back with me.
Ram was very excited as MDF's son is off school at the moment having had an operation on his foot. He didn't manage to say hi to MDF when we got there but went straight upstairs to play on the Wii with MDF's son! Interestingly, they actually played together this time. The son has Asperger's too and often they just seem to parallel play, but this time they spent the whole time together.
Of course having a new second controller for the Wii may have something to do with it!
We left in time to get back for the grass cutting boys. They commented on how good the newspaper article was about us, which was a great surprise! I had only got half way through reading the local paper and I hadn't come across it!
We read it together and found that they messed up the final quote from Ram, they implied that he didn't love home education as much as his mother did, but what he had meant was that he didn't love home education as much as he loved his mother!
We went down to the petrol station to pick up a couple more copies of the paper. Unfortunately the paper hasn't put the article up on the website so we can't share it out that way. And what trip to the petrol station is complete without an ice cream!
Ram then sat going though old papers looking for the puzzle pages. I am not quite sure what he was looking at, and he didn't have a pencil with him, but I was reluctant to ask just in case it spoiled things. He can be so oppositional that sometimes just asking about something makes him stop.
We had a great laugh watching Spring Watch this evening. In the morning we had been discussing it and he suddenly realised that it was educational and make a funny joke about not watching it any more. Luckily he didn't stick to that and we are going to carry on.
Then in the dusk just before bed we did our own little Spring Watch and had a look at the grass snake curled up in the compost heap, noted that the jackdaws are no longer having a go at us, which means that the fledglings are now safely fledged (one couldn't fly and spend a day in the long grass outside the back door and each time we went out the parents had a go at us) and listened for the owls. No bats last night.
Then back in bed with Dr Who. Ram still had difficulty falling asleep, but I didn't!
Thursday, 7 June 2007
I Finally Got Round To It!
Well, after much encouragement from friends and family, I have finally got around to creating my own blog! So it is all your fault!
I have been enjoying the He-special blog for the month http://www.he-special.org.uk so I thought I would continue on in my own blog.
But time for breakfast now, so more later!
I have been enjoying the He-special blog for the month http://www.he-special.org.uk so I thought I would continue on in my own blog.
But time for breakfast now, so more later!
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