So when Ram woke up I told him that Dad couldn't make it today, then started reading to him. When there was a break in the story, I called him up from under the covers and asked him if he would like to go shopping with me today, or wait until Thursday when Dad would be here again. By telling him that Dad couldn't make it first, then sometime later asking what he wanted to do about it, I gave him thinking time. If I did both at the same time he would have just panicked and would have said no to what ever I suggested.
He chose to wait until Thursday so that I could go without him, even thought it meant that he wouldn't have as much food to eat. Then after he thought about it a bit more, he said that he would go if he could buy Lego. I knew of a shop in this town that does sell Lego, and it wasn't just his food that we had run out of but fruit and vegetables as well, so I told him about the shop. He decided to change him mind and come shopping with me in exchange for more Lego!
As it was raining on and off, I suggested that he try out my old motorcycle waterproof over suit for when he is in the buggy. We have found that umbrellas don't work very well. Luckily when I was into motorcycles, which feels like it was about 150 years ago, I was very skinny, so width wise it fit him. But length wise, it was a bit long! Still, we managed to get it on him, then put on his ankle boots which stopped the suit from dragging on the ground.
As it is meant to be worn with a helmet, there is no hood, so I tried a rain hat from when he was little but it didn't fit. Then I remembered my wide brimmed waxed cotton hat that I used to wear when I was walking the dogs (regular dog walking took place about 100 years ago). Luckily I have a small head so it fitted Ram perfectly.
We got in the car and off we went. Of course by then the rain had stopped. I remembered the over suit being very hot but Ram didn't seem to mind and decided to wear that and the hat round the supermarket.
Did I mention the colour? No? It is bright orange!
So there I am pushing a buggy with a 10 year old in it, dressed head to toe in Day-glo orange, with a wide brimmed rain hat on. The buggy is hooked up to a trolley meant for a wheelchair, with Ram pushing it and humming the theme tune from the Harry Potter films!
We must have looked a picture! What kind of picture I am not sure, but we did get some friendly attention from some elderly ladies who were impressed with Ram's long plait hanging out the back of the buggy, and we did noticed a man who started humming the same tune!
But it worked. We got our groceries, and the vegetables, managed to go into the butcher which Ram particularly dislikes, and I am now £12 poorer and there is £12 more Lego on the floor at home!
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