We then went over to the farm to show Dxh the damage, and do some debris collecting. One of the interesting things that was pointed out to us was that there were five roofing sheets, each 10 feet long, that were blown away, and there isn't enough debris around the farm and in our garden to account for them! So where are the rest?
The small pile that we collected this morning. Where is the rest?
We are all still jumpy in the wind. I was looking at some more debris with the Dog Walker (daughter of Glow the Farmer) when there was a sudden gust of wind, and both of us tensed up! I just wanted to get back inside just in case! Silly really because I don't think it will happen again.
Some of the bad news is that the roof that was damaged the most was very old one, which was curved. Apparently they don't make curved roofing sheets anymore, so they may have to replace the whole roof with something more modern. It is a shame because that curved roof looks so pleasing to the eye, in the middle of the more angular roofs.
The damaged curved roof from a distance. The black hole is where the roof is missing.
I like to see something good come out of something bad. We were wondering what to do with the broken wheelbarrow that damaged my car. Then I was wondering where to put the strawberry plants that needed to be dug out of the fruit cage as they were not doing well in there, and were getting stepped on when picking the currents. It didn't take long to put two and two together and the wheelbarrow is now home to the strawberries!
Mobile strawberries!
In the afternoon we did more talking, and discussed some of the Discworld novels and television programmes we watched this week. Then we started tidying up. It is Ram's birthday and Ursula, Banana and Sheepy are coming to stay for a few days. This means that we need the big kitchen table cleared of all the home ed and craft projects cleared so we all have somewhere to sit and eat!
We had a great time doing it. We laughed a lot, teased each other, had a couple of tickle sessions, and did lots of talking altogether.
I wonder how many other families, especially those with children in school, spend so much time just talking and laughing together. I certainly feel that it keeps us close and happy.
Although I could have done without the verbal diarrhoea last night at bedtime. Ram just kept talking about nothing in particular. At one point after about five minutes of talking non stop he said something along the lines of: “Then of course you need genetically modified pigs to get them to fly, but all you have to do is say maaa twice and it will not work.”
I hadn't said a word, but just stared at him. Finally after this nonsense sentence, he realised I was just looking at him and stopped. We looked at each other and then just laughed! Then we had a cuddle, snuggled into bed, and read more Discworld, and laughed some more. I am sure the laughter helps us relax and get to sleep!
The curved roof should not have been badly damaged if it wasn't that old. It was so sad to see that the building's asset was ravaged. Guess you still hope that it would just be renovated and not changed. How's that barn school now?
Hi Max,
"The curved roof should not have been badly damaged if it wasn't that old."
Ah...but it was. It was Victorian, more than 100 years old. The barn I live in is at least over 200 years old and many of the buildings around us date back 600 years. Old buildings are one of the pleasures of living in the UK.
The good news is that they did manage to bend some metal to fit the curve of the roof after many months of blue plastic sheeting over it.
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