Sunday, 23 March 2008

Our New Family

We have all been busy with Lego!

This is our new Faaaaamily

Maggie the Maaaagnetic just hanging around.

Darren the Draaaaagon, Welsh.

Buzz Light Sheep - up, up and awaaaaaay. (splat!)

Josh the Jelly - after an unfortunate accident in the lab he now glows in the dark and goes blup.

Robert the Robot - he's an off road sheep, then again, most are!

Pete the pack sheep - handy for supermarket runs. - and we don't mean down the toilet!

Sorry about the jokes! We haven't done much all week and it was the best we could do


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the photos! A helpful reminder about getting back to Lego and turning off the screens...

Glad you're there,

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