Saturday, 9 April 2011

Spring Has Sprung...

...the grass is grew, and look at all the chicken poo!

Yes, spring is truly here and a lot more springier than April two years ago when we had cold weather and in some areas snow. We may come to regret this warm weather though, as there is so much new growth that will be damaged with a frost. We nearly lost my artichoke to frost this way a few years ago, and it has barely recovered yet.

I don't know why I bother trying to grow vegetables sometimes. Ram doesn't eat them much. His total vegetable and fruit intake is carrots, frozen peas (eaten frozen) apples, and a little sorrel when it is available and the chickens don't get to it first.

In fact he has slowed right down on the food intake front. Last weekend he had his two hambagels for breakfast, (which is consumed at lunch time) and that was it! I offered to get food for him though out the day, but he turned it down. I hadn't really registered that he hadn't eaten anything else so didn't push anything in the evening. It was only when we went to bed that he mentioned that he was colder than usual. The penny dropped!

It can be hard to know what is going on at times like this. Is he feeling poorly? Has he somehow got out of the habit of eating? Is he is pain? One of the difficulties in having multiple disabilities is that they affect each other. I can't find out what level of pain he is in from the hypermobility, because the Asperger's means he has difficulty answering questions, and at times doesn't know himself if he is in pain or not. All I can do is watch and hope I can spot something.

Yesterday Ram was very tired, looked very pale, and hardly ate anything. Maybe today I might find out why!

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