Tuesday 13 November 2007

Day of Interruptions

Another day was spent reading Discworld. In fact, it is really taking over things. When I was preparing supper and listening to the six o'clock news on BBC radio, I heard that there were going to increase the number of police officers in Scotland, and before I knew it I was asking myself if they were going to include dwarfs, vampires and werewolves in the force!

It wasn't all plain sailing today though. We read in bed until after 10, but then Ram took longer than usual to get dressed. There is no hurrying him, as if you do it makes him so stressed that he ends up back in bed!

I left him to get his clothes on after putting his ankle supports on, as this used to be the best way to get him dressed in the quickest time. He didn't like being alone in the room so he would get his clothes on quickly to join me in the bathroom. But he ended up just lying in bed thinking, which I have no problem with, as quietly thinking is an important part of education, but it did mean that it was after 11 by the time we got downstairs for breakfast.

We then we upstairs to read, so that Ram could Lego. But first I had to ring the company that sold us the new breadmachine that wasn't working, then pack it up to return it. Then I went up and read for a bit, then remembered that as it was a nice day we had to put out the bedding from the guest room to air, then I had to take a phone call from Ursula confirming some details about the visit that couldn't be done on email.

Then we had lunch. Ram shouted at me to start reading again so I had to point out that I couldn't read and eat at the same time! He knows this, and can see that I am eating, but can't put two and two together. He was clearly getting frustrated with the interruptions.

Then they arrived to take the breadmaker back, then another phone call from Ursula, then from Dxh to say that the plumber was on the way to check which valve was broken, and by then it was four PM, and the plumber arrived!

We did get a lot of reading done, but there was also a lot of interruptions which made Ram very angry. He really can't cope yet with me on the phone.

In fact he brought it up again when we went to bed. He said he really couldn't understand why I had to be on the phone. He couldn't understand why I couldn't tell him what I was talking about at the same time that I was talking to the person.

I don't understand why he can't cope with me on the phone, and to a lesser extent me emailing people. But maybe one day he will be able to understand himself and that will make things easier.

And I wonder if the reason why he likes me to read in bed so much is because it is much harder for me to answer the phone or do emails!

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