Monday 12 November 2007

Who Needs a Bath Anyway!

We had a typical relaxing Sunday today. We read all morning. I started out reading the Discworld book, but it didn't last long because Ram wanted to read the Warhammer book that he has borrowed from the home ed group!

I really don't understand the Warhammer stuff. I suppose I could do if I really tried and studied it like Ram does, but I just don't have the time. Or as Ram puts it I am better at taking care of people than killing them!

We also caught up on some recorded TV. We watched the programme on the housing market. Ram took it all in even though he is many years away from being a first time buyer! Then we watched a two hour programme on The Great Wall of China. It was one of the most comprehensive programmes on the wall we have ever watched and it held Ram's attention for the whole two hours.

I did however, make a little mistake. I said that he would have to have his monthly bath after the programme, not realising that it was a two hour programme! So of course it was too late to have the bath afterwards as it was already past bedtime – well, mine at least!

So there we are, another month has past and I hasn't managed to get him in the bath. Mind you, it shows that if you don't bath regularly some how you become self cleaning, as he doesn't look or smell that dirty!

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