Monday 17 December 2007

The Games We Play

We have just invented two new games. The first is called Bin Pong. Dxh and Ram invented it while outside playing on Saturday. They started with one of those really bouncy little rubber balls. Somehow, then they decided to use bin lids a 'bats' to hit it back and forth to each other along the length of the drive, hence the name Bin Pong!

Then yesterday Ram was bouncing a ping pong ball around in the house, so I dug out the ping pong bats that I had got from a charity shop many years ago 'just in case' and we started playing around with it. We cleared some space down stairs and played ping pong without the benefit of a table. Sort of whole house ping pong.

As Ram's coordination isn't the best (neither is mine!) and it was the first time he had ever played, and we weren't playing with a table, the ball was going all over the place. As it hit various things in the house it would make a pinging noise, sometimes making quite musical intervals as it bounced off things like glassware, large bowls and the milk churn.

Ram's eyes lit up as he said: 'I think we should call this Ding Dong!

So there you are, Bin Pong and Ding Dong. Two new games to play this Christmas!

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