Tuesday 17 July 2007

Do All Builders Lie?

When we first moved into the barn, we knew that the kitchen and utility room were only temporary. So now 12 years later we are finally getting them finished!

We wanted it done after Christmas, so contacted a local carpenter, and commissioned him to do the work. He first said it would be done before Easter, then it was going to be after Easter, then I stressed it had to be done before the second week of July when our friends came to stay. I knew that they were cutting it close, but I believed them and was looking forward to getting Ursula to help me sort out the new kitchen.

Then came the phone call to say that they would like to start in the second week of July! I told them that was not acceptable, so they said they would start 8.30 Monday morning of the week after.

Then I got an email saying that it would be Tuesday. That suited me fine because I knew that Ram would need some time to recover and chill out after the busy week with friends. And indeed we did have a quiet day in on Monday.

So this morning I got dress straight away at 6 am when I got up, and was ready and waiting at 8.30. No one arrived, no emails or telephone call to say they were delayed. And Tuesday is swimming day and we have to be out of the house at 9.30!

I got Ram up and ready as normal, and at 9.25 just as we were putting shoes on, they arrived! I had to warn Ram that I might be annoyed as sometimes he picks up on this and more than once when he was little, when I have been having a go a builders (usually the neighbours builder's who kept blocking my drive) Ram will take up where I leave off!

I couldn't stay and get them settled I just said that I wasn't happy, explained where I was going and left.

I was rather relived when I got back to find that they hadn't cleared the house of valuables and left! They had actually cleared out the old kitchen. It was rather sad because I had not only designed it but built it too. All my lovely handwork sitting in the rain!

Ram was more stressed when swimming than usual and I can only think it was because of the carpenters. He couldn't cope with the greengrocers at all, but at least we did pick up his magazines. We are still getting the Horrible Science ones, and The Simpsons of course!

When we got home Ram went straight into the study and turned on the computer. He didn't even bother with him magazines, he just wanted to stay away from the men. I had the new Harry Potter game for him to play while the kitchen was being done and I expected him to dive into that but he didn't! I don't know why, but he went straight to his old games. I guess it was a comfort to him.

And then there was another builder that didn't turn – again! This one was to deal with some pointing around a window outside. The frustrating thing is that I could do all these things myself. I put the first kitchen in myself, making everything from scratch, none of those B&Q jobs for me, and I did the pointing of the stone work too, although not around this particular window. But caring for Ram is a full time job now so I can't be a builder too.

Just before we went up to bed I asked Ram if he would like to see the kitchen. I could see the look of panic on his face! But I explained that the men had gone home, and they would be back tomorrow so that if he wanted to see what they did he would have to see it now.

He finally did come with me to see it and had a good look around. It is only the frame that they have in, so it is quite easy to see how it is all going together.

We talked some more about it while we were cleaning our teeth. Ram said that he is more stressed than usual. On his stress scale of one to 10, he is normally 0 when in a deep sleep, one when dreaming, two to three when at home, four when getting ready to go out, five or six on our way and before swimming,. Any higher is for when he is not with me.

Tonight he said that he is four in the house, because of the men being here, and five if he has to be in the same room as them!

I only hope that they show up everyday now until they get the job done, and that the other builder gets in contact to say why he didn't show up.

I can't think that all builders lie about when they will turn up, but sometimes I do wonder!

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