Monday 2 July 2007

A Parents' Education

Another Dad day today, and respite for me. Not that I will actually get a rest!

Ram and Dxh went straight onto the computer today. Ram doesn't need as much help when he is on the computer as when he was younger, especially now he can read, but he still needs someone close by. So Dxh spent the day going through the filing cabinet. He took out statements that were more than 10 years old, pulled out all the old letters from the banks advising on rate changes that were blank on one side so that we could reuse the paper in the printer, and increased my pile of paper I use to write notes on.

The rest of it he took home with him to shred. He will then bring it back to put in the compost bins. Years ago I did a members experiment with Garden Organic. We had to put layers of scrunched up paper between the layers of grass cuttings to see if this made better compost. It did! We have carried on doing it this way ever since, and I am grateful that my respite carer is also the Dxh so that I can trust him to go through my filing and sort it all out for me. Filing is just one thing that I never get around to.

While the boys were in the study I did dishes and cleaned the kitchen, and then waited for the inevitable phone call from Sainsbury's to say that they would be late with the home delivery. And it came! So we decide to carry on and have lunch. Actually, I gave the boys the option of having lunch before they arrived, after, or during. They chose during!

And during it happened!

The man only came in for a minute but Ram's behaviour changed instantly. He was hiding behind his chair, and when I asked him to pass me the pile of plastic bags to give to the man to take back with him, Ram picked them up and threw then in the opposite direction, even though I told him that he wouldn't have to go near the man but only give them to me!

Goodness knows what this delivery man thought, but he couldn't get out fast enough!

After lunch the boys when back to the computer and the filing, and I went for my nap then into town to get some things for next week when our friends arrive. Not only did I need to get some meat from the butcher for that week, but also for the next couple of weeks because the man who usually serves me will be on holiday. It is easier to get extra now than to have to explain to someone else how we like our gammons and dog food. And it also means that I won't have to go into town with Ram while the schools are out. There is nothing like school children running around to get Ram stressed!

I got back and had to go out almost straight away to the osteopath. He said that a lot of people are having joint problems at the moment because of the high humidity. He also said that he is finding some people have now cut back so much on their salt that they are not getting enough, and I realise that could be us! I don't cook with salt and we have very little processed food, so I will have to increase my salt a little and see if it helps.

The silly thing is I probably shouldn't be cutting back on my salt intake anyway as I have low blood pressure already!

But all these little things that I pick up when I am out I can then bring back and discuss with Ram so that his education isn't just what we do at home, but what his parents do when they are out and about.

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