Saturday 28 July 2007

Typical Day of Learning

Today being Saturday is family day, but that doesn't mean that education stops.

Dxh got here while we were still reading in bed. I had forgotten just how long Harry Potter 6 was!

We got dressed and went down to look at our wonderful new kitchen! It is still empty as I haven't finished the oiling yet. Dxh also had to tighten up some joints on the plumbing, so Ram got to learn a little more about plumbing.

We had a lovely lunch outside, for the first time in ages. It is a good thing too because the house is getting worse not better!

Then after my nap Dxh taught Ram how to dismantle a kitchen! All the old carcass of the kitchen was sitting outside and as they were forecasting rain again I wanted to get it in the garage. Then Ram asked if he could use my big mortar and pestle to crush up some dock leaves in case anyone gets stung by nettles.

I was busy putting yet more oil on the kitchen shelves when I realised that they had stopped curshing dock leaves and were playing on the trampoline. So I called out to ask if they had found a willing volunteer to try out their dock lotion. “Yes”, they shouted, “You”!

So I went out and stung myself, and sure enough the dock lotion worked!

After Dxh left we then settled down to watching The Day of the Triffids. We read the book a couple of years ago and Ram was really taken by it. We can't wait until next Saturday to see the rest of the series.

So it was a day of learning about building, or should I say demolishing, herbal remedies, and classic cult literature! Just another typical day of education in the life of a home educator!

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