Tuesday 31 July 2007

Finally Started Harry Potter 7!

We finished reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince this morning just as my friend down the road a arrived with her son to put her frozen food in my deep freeze  She needed to defrost her deep freeze, but I I won't embarrass her by telling you why she needed to do this!

Luckily I managed to get Ram dressed, and was able to go downstairs to make a cup of tea for us. Unfortunately because I wasn't upstairs with Ram he forgot to go to the toilet! Unless I am there with him to get him dressed he can't manage to remember what it is he does in the morning, or the evening for that matter.
We had a cup of tea together on the patio with me in my nightie and dressing gown! I had been up since 5.45 (Arrow had woken me!) and had breakfast but I hadn't even brushed my teeth! I think being a home educator and not having to worry about getting up everyday and going out, I get blaze about things like getting dressed.
My friend went back home and left her son to play with Ram which was nice. They started off on the trampoline but soon ended up on the computer as the day got hotter. We dropped Ram's friend back home for lunch went onto the petrol station to buy another sponge. This time we got a really big one so that we can surprise Dxh when he comes next and get him really wet!
We finally started Potter and the Deathly Hallows this afternoon.  It was so hard to get Ram off the computer when he goes on it while I have my nap,  He didn't stop playing until around 3.30, so we only got an hour in before it was time to watch Roman Mysteries! I think I want to read this book more than he does.
This evening he was back on the computer again. Even the dog got bored and took herself off to bed, and if Ram doesn't come soon I am going to go up and carry on reading the book myself!

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