Saturday 21 July 2007

This Too Shall Pass

Ram is really suffering from the carpenters being in the house. He now doesn't even want to come downstairs so I am taking his food up to him.

The whole kitchen thing is taking longer than it is supposed to. The boss hasn't told the carpenters about all the shelves,and they didn't even know about one of the cabinettes that was supposed to be made in the workshop! This means that I am constantly having to come downstairs and talk to them, and each time Ram gets more and more upset.

We have started Harry Potter 6, so that we will be able to remember what happens before starting Harry Potter 7, so that is giving us something to do.

Other than that he is playing on his computer, but only when he can guarantee the men are not in the house. So when they go out to the van for lunch, Ram rushes downstairs to the computer.

I am getting tired because I can't have my power naps in the afternoon. Ram can't cope with me 'not being here' while I am having the nap while the carpenters are here. I think he is afraid that they might try to speak to him.

Oh well, as they say, this too shall pass!

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