Sunday 1 July 2007

A Doctor Who Masternind

Ram slept late again this morning. But at least there is nothing more
to do than to read in bed! Ram finds the heat of the day too much so
last year when he slept late, and then we read in bed and were not up
until 11, he had missed the cool part of the day. But of course this
year we haven't had a summer, just rain, so it hasn't matter so much.

Once we were up and about Ram decided to watch Doctor Who from the first of the new series with Christopher Ecclestone.
But before the series started there was one of the old Doctor Who
films, and then some programmes that were broadcast in the build up to
the New Doctor Who starting. He watch all through those and kept
calling out things of interest such as the history of The Master and so

I hadn't realised how much he had memorised when watching
these things the first time as he kept calling me in saying things
like, 'The Doctor is about to say...' and he would quote him, and then
the Doctor would say exactly that!

And he has found a reference to Bad Wolf that no one else seems to have noticed!

Rather than sit with him the whole time I decided that I would update my blog
and carry on sorting out things to get ready for our friends.

I know it may seem odd that I don't update my blog for days, then
suddenly there are several days worth at once, as if I have made it all
up, but it isn't quite like that. I always compose in Open Office so that I can use
the big spell checker, and also so it is easy to keep a copy. I often
make little notes during the day, or start a day, then go back to it
later. But I don't always get a chance to go through it and upload it.
So I took this afternoon to get caught up with things.

Ram kept watching right until bed time. I knew that today would have to be a quiet day for him as we had Dxh yesterday, and I know that it may seem like he is watching too much TV,
but sometimes it is nice to get a break from him, as when he is
watching TV I don't have to interact with him constantly.

I don't think he could win Master Mind with his Doctor Who knowledge, but he wouldn't embarrass himself!

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