Thursday 26 July 2007

Peace at Last

This should be the last day the carpenters are here thank goodness! Ram refused to come downstairs at all this morning, and at lunch time The Boss came round to talk to me. I had to tell him that I wasn't happy about the lack of communication between him and the carpenters, and it turns out that he lost the plans!

I was annoyed about this because I specifically had someone be with Ram while I went over all the measurements and plans so that I would be able to concentrate on Ram while the carpenters were actually putting things in. But best laid planes and all that!

While I was downstairs talking to The Boss Ram was upstairs shouting 'purple'! It is a measure of how stressed he is by how many random words he is shouting out! I don't think The Boss actually noticed and both he and the carpenters were amazed at how much work I have on my hands with Ram. Although it is nice to have that recognised, it isn't always useful. If I think about how much extra I have to do for Ram, I start to feel depressed!

I told The Boss that Ram had had enough and that what wasn't done by the end of today they won't be able to do. Luckily they were finished, except for the handles on the drawer, so the finally left!

Ram was able to come downstairs!

Now the hard work starts for me as I have to oil all the wood, then clean everything (the whole house is covered in wood dust) before moving everything back in.

I am actually looking forward to the next couple of days with no one else in the house. Hopefully Ram will now settle down.

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