Saturday 16 June 2007

A Day Tinged with Sadness

Today was a day tinged with sadness. My dear friend, MDF, is in hospital again. Her husband rang this morning to say that she had had another stroke on Friday morning. She had her first one about 18 months ago, and although recovery was slow, she was making good progress.

Now all that will be set back again by six months to a year. The stroke wasn't as bad as the first one, but they had thought the first one was a one off, and now it seems it wasn't. There is not much I can do while she is in hospital, but hopefully she will be home again next week so that we can go and visit her.

Today was also Father's Day for us. Even though it is on Sunday, as Dxh comes on Monday for respite day, Ram and Dxh both felt that two days in a row were too much for them!

I decided to get the new barbecue going, but when we went to connect the cylinder we realised that I had go the wrong one! Dxh offered to go return it and get the right one, and Ram went with him so that he could have an ice-cream. When they got back Ram tried to tell me that he had two instead of one, but I didn't believe him. Lying isn't something that comes naturally to either of my boys!

We finally got the beast going. I had had to start the pork chops in the oven while they were getting the correct cylinder, but we managed finish them off on the barbecue, along with cooking the veggies.

Then after we had eaten, I made coffee and Ram carried it out on the tray he had made for Dad, singing 'Happy Father's Day' to the tune of Happy Birthday! Dxh was very pleased with it, especially as Ram did so much of it himself. And I think Ram was proud too. It is so hard to tell though as he doesn't always reflect his emotions in his face.

We spent the rest of the day in and out of the house between rain storms and the computer games. I also managed a little research into the drugs that have been recommended to MDF. It was one less thing for her husband to do. It isn't that we don't trust doctors, it is that they don't always have time to discuss all the options.

After Dxh left we settled down to Dr Who. Neither of us can wait for next week's episode!

And I must have been really tired when I went bed, as Ram kept laughing at the jokes in the book I was reading and I didn't even realise they were funny!

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