Friday 15 June 2007

A Revelation About Phones

We finished our Dr Who book this morning. We only had two chapters to read so we finished it quit quickly, but that was a problem because Ram usually spends at least an hour in bed listening to me read before getting up and dressed, so spend less time is a problem. He can't just get out of bed. The change to the routine is too much for him.

So we had an extra long cuddle first before getting dressed. I had to put on a load on laundry and do a couple of things around the house, then we watched the rental DVD which was White Fang, the film based on Jack London's book. At the end Ram said it was fiction, not fact so it didn't really happen, so I had to explain that it didn't exactly happen like that, but that it was a reflection of what happened in the Klondike based on Jack London's experiences there. I think he understood that!

There was a thunder storm so we had to turn off the computers and disconnect the Internet. We have wireless broadband in the village so if the aerials get hit, it runs up the wires into the computers!

We took this time to work on the Father's Day project. Ram had laid out the tiles for the mosaic in the tray but he didn't want to glue them on in case he made a mistake. So I started doing it and showed him how slow drying the glue was so that you could make mistakes and it didn't matter. It seemed to convince him and he took over from me!

After we had finished that and the storm was over, Ram went back to him computer game while we had lunch and while I had my nap. I have had a couple of broken nights and really late nights and I was so tired I fell asleep immediately! I would have liked to have stayed in bed when the timer went off but I know that Ram would start to get anxious if I didn't stick to routine.

We went off to the garage this afternoon to get a new gas cylinder for the barbecue. The old one used butane but this new one uses propane so we had a quick discussion about that. We also had a chat with the garage owner about security and how people break into the cage they keep the cylinders in. They know us really well down there and know we home educate and they always have time for Ram's questions. So much of what he learns is picked up in little ways like this.

When we got back we played Castle Wars.. Ram has played before so he won the first game very easily. The second game I was given some useless cards so I lost again. At least that is my excuse and I am sticking to it!

We started a third game but I had to abandon it as if I didn't go and make the pasta, no one else would and we wouldn't get any supper!

We then watched the final episode of Spring Watch. Evenings just won't be the same without Bill and Kate to make us laugh!

We then had a power failure. There was no rain, wind or lightning so we don't know why. I rang the electricity company and while I was on the phone Ram started talking to me. I asked him to stop because I couldn't hear the recorded message and he got really annoyed. I know that while they are annoyed is not the right time to discuss things so I left it until we went to bed.

I pointed out to Ram that I can't talk to two people at once. He said that I do it when Dad is here. I asked when had I been on the phone when Dad was here and he explained that what he meant was that when Dad was here there were three of us talking.

So I pointed out that it was different as it was a three way conversation which we all took part in because we were all in the same room and could take turns. I pointed out that when I was on the phone the person on the other end couldn't hear what he was saying and wouldn't know that there was someone else taking so it ends up with two people talking at once.

Ram went very quiet! I don't think he had realised that that was how telephones worked!

This explains why I had so much problem being on the phone when Ram is around, and hopefully this will help him understand how phones work.

We managed to get to bed a little earlier tonight, as it was so dark because of the rain storms. We did watch the first five minutes of the 10 o'clock news to see how much rain the rest of the country had, but we have been lucky down here it seems with no flooding.

We started another Discworld book this evening, called Sorcerer. I think it must be the funniest one yet as we were both laughing hard before we had even got to the story proper!

1 comment:

Carlotta said...

Castle Wars looks like a great call. Thanks for the link.