Saturday 9 June 2007

Getting to grips with things.

I first started blogging when I was asked to do a month of blogs on the he-special! website. I was new to blogging then, but I found that not only did I enjoy it, but the people reading it did!

I have now done a second stint, and if you want to catch up with that then you will find it here .

I have spent the last couple of days trying to get to grips with the software here as it is a bit different from what I was using on the other site. I think I understand it now, but please forgive me if I get it wrong.

Yesterday was a very good day for a change. Ram was relaxed and settled. Because of the really light evenings he isn't getting to sleep until late, so I let him sleep till 9. I couldn't let him sleep any longer though, as we were going to visit my My Dear Friend (MDF) and her son.

We have just started a Dr Who novel, so we only had one chapter to get into it. But this one seems to have been better written than the last one we read. It is interesting though, trying to capture the characters. This one was written with Christopher Eccelston as the Dr, and the last one we read was with David Tennant. I hope I get their voices and characters right. At least It is still Billy, and her accent is easy to do. I don't know how I will cope when they start coming out with Freema in the books!

After reading and getting dressed I made a salad and cut some ham and bread to take to MDF. She is still without energy from her stroke so it is easier for us to take lunch. Less for her to do and less washing up too and I bring the dirty things back with me.

Ram was very excited as MDF's son is off school at the moment having had an operation on his foot. He didn't manage to say hi to MDF when we got there but went straight upstairs to play on the Wii with MDF's son! Interestingly, they actually played together this time. The son has Asperger's too and often they just seem to parallel play, but this time they spent the whole time together.

Of course having a new second controller for the Wii may have something to do with it!

We left in time to get back for the grass cutting boys. They commented on how good the newspaper article was about us, which was a great surprise! I had only got half way through reading the local paper and I hadn't come across it!

We read it together and found that they messed up the final quote from Ram, they implied that he didn't love home education as much as his mother did, but what he had meant was that he didn't love home education as much as he loved his mother!

We went down to the petrol station to pick up a couple more copies of the paper. Unfortunately the paper hasn't put the article up on the website so we can't share it out that way. And what trip to the petrol station is complete without an ice cream!

Ram then sat going though old papers looking for the puzzle pages. I am not quite sure what he was looking at, and he didn't have a pencil with him, but I was reluctant to ask just in case it spoiled things. He can be so oppositional that sometimes just asking about something makes him stop.

We had a great laugh watching Spring Watch this evening. In the morning we had been discussing it and he suddenly realised that it was educational and make a funny joke about not watching it any more. Luckily he didn't stick to that and we are going to carry on.
Then in the dusk just before bed we did our own little Spring Watch and had a look at the grass snake curled up in the compost heap, noted that the jackdaws are no longer having a go at us, which means that the fledglings are now safely fledged (one couldn't fly and spend a day in the long grass outside the back door and each time we went out the parents had a go at us) and listened for the owls. No bats last night.

Then back in bed with Dr Who. Ram still had difficulty falling asleep, but I didn't!

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