Monday 11 June 2007

Monday - Respite Day

Today was respite day for me. For those of you new to the blog, Ram has hated his last couple of respite carers so at the moment Dxh takes a day out of running his alternative energy company to care for Ram. It is a win win win situation. Ram wins because he gets to be with someone he likes, Dxh wins because he gets to spend more time with his son than most men do, and I win because I get to do all the grocery shopping, pay the bills and work in the garden. Hmmmm...putting it like that I am not sure that I am winning here!

Back to today. I had to go down to the little shopping centre in one of the local towns here. Ram needs new wellies and also some shoes that cover his feet but are cooler than his boots that he wears in the winter to help stabilise his ankles. He really hates shopping so I decided to buy several pairs of different sizes and bring them home for him to try on and return what didn't fit. I explained to the people in Millets and they thought that it was a good idea. I bought two sizes of their activity shoes (lighter than trainers and waterproof, and could be used for rock climbing) and although I wanted two sizes of wellies they only had one size in stock. As Ram's current boots were size two, I got three and four.

Unfortunately they are all too small! The new size three boots are the same size as the size twos! And his instep is too high for the shoes and he couldn't even get his feet into the size four!

I thought it was such a good plan to buy several pairs and take back what didn't fit. Ram hates shopping and becomes very distressed and I know that he would rather go without shoes than go shopping. So I guess I will have to think again, and maybe shop on the Internet.

In the afternoon the boys finally went out to the special needs play park that we belong to. I think Ram would have happily stayed on his computer all day, but I needed to make some phone calls and he can't cope with that, so I finally had to put my foot down and ordered them out!

While they were out having a great time building huge sandcastles I was paying bills, sorting out credit cards, and re-ordering dog and bird food. It seems that the order I made last week didn't go though!

They boys finally got back at six o'clock and Ram settled down to read a comic while I made supper. Then we ate while enjoying I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue on Radio 4. It is really lovely to share jokes with Ram like that.

We will now settle down to a little Spring Watch and see how the birds and wildlife faired over the weekend. I hope they did better than our jackdaw Hopalong!

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