Monday 25 June 2007

Location Wheel

Today didn't start on a good note. All I did was point out that the way Ram stands when he goes to the toilet means that he misses and hits the rim. This is upsetting him terribly to think that he may have to change the way he goes to the toilet as he grows taller.

So because he wasn't talking to me he went straight onto the computer and didn't get off it all day! It didn't help that he was even more upset when I was having a quick phone call with his best friend's mother, to make arrangements for her and the family to come to visit soon. And of course there was rather a lot of rain and wind too!

But I did manage to put the time to good use. Ram finds it difficult to figure out where I am. Even if I tell him several time where I am going to be and he acknowledges it, he will still forget and then panic if he can't find me.

For instance one Saturday while I was trying to have my nap Ram kept calling for me. I figured after I didn't answer the first few times he would remember, but he didn't. In the end after five minutes of him calling to me I got up before my alarm went off.

So I have made a location wheel where there is a disk with various places I could be, such as the greenhouse, the garage (we have a deep freeze there), in the toilet or up for my nap. There is a piece of card on the front...oh heck, I may as well take a photo of it!

A friend of mine suggested that it sounded like the clock that the Weasley's from Harry Potter use!

As Ram was happy on the computer I went off and did things adjusting the location wheel each time. I set it to greenhouse, told Ram where I was going then went out and watered the cucumbers. Then came back in and set it to garden to go down to the veggie patch to see what damage the critters have done. Then back in to reset it to feeding birds to go out and refill the bird feeders. Then back in to set it to garage to go and get something out for supper!

Its a lot of palava, but if it makes Ram feel more secure then at least I might actually get the whole power nap without Ram calling for me!

He may be on the computer all day but it doesn't mean to say that an education isn't occurring. One of the sites he has been on is mofunzone. There are a lot of puzzle games that really give the brain a work out.

I have decided that we must try to get Ram to bed earlier. Forcing him to come up to bed only makes him more angry and less likely to not only come to bed but be able to sleep, so I have to go softly softly. Tonight it is so dark out with the weather that I shall try to get him upstairs early.

Sometimes there are advantages to having a child that can't tell the time!

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