Sunday 24 June 2007

Snake Alive!

Because Dxh didn't come on Saturday, we had Saturday on Sunday. Ram woke late again because he isn't getting to sleep very early. I really do like the summer solstice. It means the days are getting shorter and we can get more sleep!

We were still in bed when Dxh arrived and so he got to see the whole morning routine; from the sitting on the edge of the bath with the toothpaste dripping off the toothbrush while twittering on about Bionicles until someone reminds Ram that he is supposed to be brushing his teeth, to sitting in the window waiting to have his hair brushed but forgetting that he has to unplait first!

We finally got downstairs for Rams breakfast and then while the boys went upstairs to play Bionicle games, I got on with making lunch. I was taking something out to the compost heap and decided to have a little peek in the resting compost bin to see if the grass snake was there as it was a cloudy rainy day.

There was no snake there but there was a snake skin! So we know that our snake is getting bigger! We have hung the skin up on the wall as a trophy. Ram was fascinated by it and straight away found the bits that go over the eyes and started to explain how it can aggravate the snake when these bits come off.

No need for tests and exams when you can listen to the boy inform his dad all about how snakes shed their skin.

Mind you, it was almost word for word what we saw recently on a TV programme about snakes. He does seem to manage to remember some things word perfect. He has been quoting the scene from Dr Who where they talk about the timey whimy detector that goes ping when it is near stuff!

In the afternoon Ram and Dxh went upstairs again to play a battle game with the Bionicles. I think they play it the way people used to play with toy solders and dice, but I am not sure. I do know that for a long time Ram was unhappy because he kept rolling low numbers on the dice and Dxh kept getting high ones. Eventually they came downstairs, Ram having finally won. I did ask if Dxh had let him win but he said no. However, he did point out that the rules kept changing!

We then sat and watch Dr Who again. Dxh didn't get home in time on Saturday to watch it, and Ram and I needed no excuse to watch it again! Interestingly, it was a fun this time because Dxh isn't at all scared by it, and somehow can't imagine being scared like I can. I can scare myself silly any time I want!

We also watched Dr Who Confidential as well. It is so easy to learn about how things are put together these days with programmes like this. Dxh never bothers to watch it and is dismissive of programmes that are about how programmes are made, but I noticed that he seemed to be enjoy it.

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