Friday 29 June 2007

Up With the Black Birds

As usual after a busy day yesterday we had a lovely quiet day. Only it was not so lovely for me as I have an aching right leg and foot! I don't quite know why but I have made an appointment with my osteopath for next week.

Ram was on the computer today, having not even turned it on yesterday. But we also managed to play a game of chess. I have never been able to learn chess. I can never remember how each piece moves. And for some reason when people try to teach me all they want to do is win, so I don't get any real practice. But Ram and I managed a game of Quick Chess and I think I won!

Then Ram spent the afternoon playing Lego Chess. He went through the tutorials for each piece again and played against the computer a couple of times. This will be good practice for when playing against both his Dad and his friend when she comes to stay.

For supper we had a favourite of Ram's, treasure bread. I made pizza dough and using a pastie maker fill Ram's with black olives. Not any old black olive though, only the ones we can buy in tins from Somerfield!

When he was younger we used to put all sorts of things in like vegetables and cheese, hence the name treasure bread; you never knew what you might find in it! But now he has restricted his diet so that he will only have olives in it. But at least I can use the rest of the dough to make myself a little pizza with lots of interesting things on it.

Our plan to turn the computer off before supper didn't work tonight at all. There was nothing Ram wanted to watch on TV so he played on the computer. He discovered a game called bloxorz. He was getting very good at it.

I made the mistake of trying it myself and got into it enough that I didn't notice the time and we ended up late to bed again! It can be so difficult to synchronise bedtimes. I always knew that I would cope with the early mornings, and I certainly did when Ram was little and woke early for a two hour breastfeed, but I always imagined that I would have Dxh with me to do the night shift. He is an owl, and I am a black bird. At least around here it is the black birds that are up with me at five thirty in the morning!

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