Monday 6 August 2007

Life After Harry Potter

We are going through a sort of manic mourning here now that Harry Potter is over. We still had some questions to be answered, not necessarily only about the last book but Ram had some questions about some earlier books too, and we found the Wikipedia pages for Harry Potter really good. We even watched an interview with her on the Internet.

But just because Harry Potter is over,doesn't mean to say that we are not reading together. We started The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett this morning. If anyone is thinking of buying this book, do try to get the hardback as it is an illustrated novel and the illustrations are brilliant and the larger format of hardback really does them justice.

It is interesting to see what they think the characters look like, and comparing it to what we think they should look like. This book's motifs include Leonardo di Vinci and the drawings of Paul Kidby really do that justice. Another motif is the space shuttle programme, which tied in nicely with the current flight of the shuttle, and Apollo 13. So once again we have used a novel to introduce other learning into the mix.

While I was having my power nap Ram started watching the DVD rental which is Blackadder 2. He loved it, probably because his dad and I often quote things from it. My favourite is when Nursie says that the only decision Queenie ever had to make was right breasty dumpling or left breasty dumpling. I used those very words on Ram on his first night of life!

As usual he got stuck watching the DVD and ended up watching the entire series through twice. But again I was able to do a few things around the house.

We listened to the 'funny thing' on Radio 4 during supper as usual. Ram does really enjoy listening to them. At the moment on Monday's it is Just a Minute, and 'hesitation, repetition and deviation' are finding their way into our everyday language.

We finished the day with more of The Last Hero. It is hard to read this book anywhere else other than cuddled up in bed together so that we can both see the illustrations. Well, cuddled up in bed at any time is always great!

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