Friday 17 August 2007

State of Mourning

After two days of no computer today was computer all day! But Ram does seem to be happier at the moment now that I have finished unpacking the kitchen. Actually, there is still one more box but don't tell him!

Today as Ram was in the study I was able to do some serious sorting out in preparation for getting the rest of the new book shelves up. The first lot has taken all the boxes of unspun wool and other craft items off the floor which will give us enough room to get things off the shelves, take down part of the old shelves, then fill them up again before going onto the next lot.

In my tidying up, I found a newspaper from a year ago. I had a quick read of it and found a really lovely sounding recipe for lemon drizzle cake. Ram loves the sourness of lemon and I am always disappointed with lemon cakes so I hope this one will be better.

I got a bit tearful this afternoon when someone sent some photos of their children who had taken part in musical. I was really excited for her and her children as she must be so proud of them, but I started thinking about how Ram would never be able to do that. In fact he looked over at the photos of the cast and said, 'Yuck, too many people!' and went back to what he was doing.

Sometimes we have to mourn for the children we don't have.

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