Sunday 12 August 2007

The Perseids

We saw them!

Ram didn't want to go outside again because he thought it was too cold, but as he was happy on his computer he was happy for me to go out.

I put a winter coat on and went out with a blanket and didn't see anything for about 15 minutes. Then I saw three big ones in a row! I couldn't help myself when I shouted 'Wow!'

It was truly amazing!

I ran in and got Ram and he must have been infected by my excitement as he agreed to put some warm clothes on and come out. He put on my big sheepskin slippers and a winter coat and I gave him the woollen blanket.

Of course we didn't see anything for a while, and then he thought he saw one, but then we saw another big one! There was no wonder if it was one or not, it was huge! After that he was excited about it and we stayed out for about another 20 minutes!

He developed his own way of counting them: small ones were worth ¼, larger ones ½ and the really good ones were one. He added them all up and got seven! Of course there were much more than that but that is how he counted them.

We were very luckily to see this many because it was only 11 o'clock. We have tried the last few years but the weather was always cloudy.
I am glad that he did see them because next time I suggest that we go out and see them he will believe me when I say they are worth seeing!

Interestingly, as we were going to bed we discussed how we used to go out at night with the big telescope and look at the planets. I remember seeing Jupiter and some of its moons, and Saturn and its rings. Ram saw them too, but he would have been around 4 at the time, but he doesn't remember at all!

It reminded me of a friend of mine who is an excellent pre-school teacher and a very wise women. She said that there wasn't much point of taking pre-school children off to museums and expensive trips to London, because they won't remember any of it. It is much better to wait until they are older so that they remember and appreciate it more.

I have no doubt that Ram will remember the Perseids now!

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